Former players - where are they now?

That reads like an A I generated article.


Laird was an awful player for us. A defender who couldn’t defend if his life depended on it.
I couldn’t wait to see the back of him!

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Are you mixing him up with Luke Leahy?

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Eh? Laird was a decent player! Formed a great relationship with the fans too.


Laird was solid but unspectacular
Did a good job and could step into midfield
Different that Taylor who was more impactful going forward and more dynamic but less solid and Leahy who was quality on the ball and awful off it

I wonder if his nan is still giving him a pound when he scores?


Yeah. My thoughts exactly.

Are you not getting him mixed up with someone else? Laird did a solid job for us after Rico had departed, we all used to dream of a team of Scotty Lairds……

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Did we have someone from Villa at around the same time with a slightly similar name , who was hopeless?

Kevin Toner.

That’s who I was thinking of. Not sure why I thought the name was similar.

Are you thinking of Chris Baird?

Think Chris baird came at the same time as Gary o neill he was a good right back in my opinion


It was the similarity of the names I was suggesting. Baird went on to play for several teams in the EPL so he definitely wasn’t hopeless.

It wasn’t Baird. Might have something to do with Scunthorpe. That Laird played there and that Toney- not Toner- played there as well.

You ought to have a go on the word association football thread. :joy:

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Was it (Laird) Sir Tony Blair

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We had Marc Laird on loan a few years back, in 2010-11. Laird is a quite similar name to Laird, in a certain light.
He was a midfielder we borrowed off Millwall, I think, not hopeless, but I can’t remember how much impact he had. We had borrowed Matt Gill from Norwich the same season and him I do remember being good for us.

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Are you lot sure it wasn’t Keith Lard we had!!
There were certainly rumours about him! :joy: