Freddie Draper Signs



Interesting that when you look back at old posts At least Geasanx123 was in agreement for once with his sparring partner and adversary on Freddie ,who as early as September said some on here were exaggerating his contribution and even said he wouldnā€™t have signed him .

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I remember those posts too but it was a fairly common view amongst our fans. I remember one fan telling me he was too slow and we were wasting our money. I wish he was our player . Lincoln are going to get a huge fee and good for them .

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Donā€™t think I would agree with that .

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Iā€™ll repeat myself, the first 10 minutes of seeing him play in the game against Rochdale to remember Wayne Evans, I said that we had got in a good player and was wishing he was a signing rather than a loan.


I didnā€™t either. I was impressed from the first time I saw him but I am not usually very good in assessing players early.

Then there was this:

Coxy knew! Sad heā€™s not posted for ages.


But at that moment I believe people were exaggerating his contribution.

It was a moment in time. That moment is different to now. In three months time it may be different again.

Not rating a player at all is completely different to having the opinion that heā€™s not playing well or didnā€™t have a good gameā€¦.or even if he is playing ok or well but not necessarily deserving of adulation, which is what I believe I personally may have been saying at that moment.

Iā€™ve also been quite clear on several occasions when he has been worthy of itā€¦.obviously yesterday but also on less obvious occasions.

Perhaps you misunderstood what I said .I meant I donā€™t think it was a common view amongst our fans .my recollection was the majority thought we had a gem on our hands as I did .

People, including myself may jump to the wrong conclusions about players (not Freddie by the way) just because heā€™s so young or we havenā€™t heard of them before, we need to own up and say we were wrong.

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Iā€™m not alone Iā€™m not thinking early season that heā€™s have this type of impact. My point is always that itā€™s easy to get carried away and early season I felt some were guilty of that.

Freddie was outstanding a couple of weeks ago (I canā€™t recall the game but I said so that day and got pulled up on it as though Iā€™d said I wasnā€™t a good player) and he was outstanding again last night, but early season there werenā€™t the signs that heā€™d hit 15 goals by Xmas. Iā€™m happy to be proved wrong but my point was always that he was young and managing his game time was important and that at that time rating him now and again wasnā€™t going to be the disaster some felt it would be.

Missing Sutton and FGR almost proves the point that rest at the right times will be key to his formā€¦.obviously resting him Tuesday wonā€™t be an option :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but I think we have options for times when it would be a good idea.

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Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s aimed at me but Iā€™m equally very sure that I wasnā€™t wrong about him I was just of the opinion that at a moment in time several weeks ago I didnt feel he was in the same form he is nowā€¦.which kind of isnā€™t an opinion itā€™s more of a fact.

I donā€™t disagree with any of that just saying I think others saw a lot more potential in him to make an impact for we than you did after a few games for us .and you also said you would probably not have signed him.Iā€™m very glad we did .


Mature performance last night and knows how to handle himself. Got a knock and was taking some stick from the Newport fans for staying down a bit but didnā€™t get wound up just scored the equaliser in the last minute. Pity he will be gone at xmas

To be fair, this happens a lot, and not just with Walsall fans.

There seems to be a tendency from some fans to automatically class players as rubbish if they havenā€™t personally heard of them.

Usually the same fans that every time an ex-player becomes available are clamouring to bring them back simply because they know them from their previous stint at the club. Same goes for suggesting ex-players as management contenders.

As for Freddie, heā€™s now scored the same amount of goals for us as he did for Droghedaā€¦ but in almost half the amount of games.

And interestingly, despite his last game in Ireland being 4 months ago, he appears to still be Droghedas top scorer and in the top 10 scorers in the Irish Premier.

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And you wouldnā€™t personally have signed him .

@Thanatos we canā€™t be right about every player can we. I have heard you once or twice mention about being right about Liam Kinsella.

I remember being told i know nothing about football because i said Draper was the best striker at the club. :man_shrugging:


Yeah fair enough. I wouldā€™ve anticipated 5 goals by Xmas and possibly a bit part.

I think my comment on me not signing him was more in respect of a post I made about the forwards in general.

I wouldnā€™t have signed 5 and so if weā€™d known weā€™d were getting DJ AND Oteh Iā€™m not sure Freddie wouldā€™ve been on the radarā€¦Iā€™m not sure anyone wouldā€™ve seen him playing ahead of DJ but I was among the first to point out that I did t see much of a connection between them as a partnershipā€¦.

See above. It was a separate post about our forwards in general not anything to do with how he was playing or his potential future impact.

I donā€™t think he is.

Heā€™s had a very good start, and has earnt his placeā€¦ but I donā€™t think DJ has had the same opportunities.

Not saying heā€™s a bad player, but sort of an extension of what @CompletelySaddled was saying; itā€™s still very very early and a very small sample. If he knocks in 15 by Jan then Iā€™ll upgrade my opinion.