Freddie Draper Signs

Yeah fair points there (both posts)

I think it comes from the times he started games more than the times he’s finished them….starting games is more stressful mentally and more demanding physically than coming on when the pace and intensity has sometimes dropped…?

He has played 3 x the minutes Matt has and more than double Oteh…who is the one I feel has deserved more mins than he’s had….


Yeah, couldn’t figure out why DJT was brought on v Swindon, when Oteh would have been a much better bet.

Couldn’t agree more, feel like with Knowles out this Saturday and us not having a recognised left centre half, Wimbledon is the perfect opportunity to switch to a 442 with Oteh on the right hand side.

On one hand, Hussey getting sent off might have done us a favour…

Also, I’m really not sure that Knowles is a defender.

Hopefully, Foulkes or Riley can step up.

Riley and Matt need to start turning up because both will be up there in terms of the high wage earners.

On a separate note, our discipline is dreadful: dissent and kicking the ball away should be hefty fines I think. Imagine what Graydon would think!

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People talk about resting players .different players for a particular formation fact is all these thing are a luxury for a squad like ours who have young inexperienced players lacks at least 3 more quality players in vital positions we’ve probably got a best 8 .if all fit .every thing else is a compromise .and we’re going to be under strength.

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The trick is getting the best out of your best players and if that means patching the rest up then so be it.

I think it was @el_nombre who said the other day this squad has the most quality we have had since we have been back in League 2.

I think that is right. Evans, Daniels, Gordon, Hutch, Stirk, DJ, Draper. maybe McEntee are all good enough in my opinion.

Then players like Otteh, Knowles, probably a bit behind them but will still do a job. Still a few players short of a really good team as you said but it doesn’t mean you can’t have a good season, if you can get on a roll and gain some momentum anything can happen.


Yes agree with most of that and we still have Earing and Comley to come back .but if we’re gonna ( give it a right good go ) then start the season with a strong squad that can achieve that .not a squad that’s short of a least 3 players and we have to juggle it about players in wrong position.and maybe we have a good season .or perhaps better .

Agree with virtually all that. Like you say, trick is knowing how to get best out of what you got, be organised, round pegs in round holes, keep it simple. Unfortunately im not convinced Sadler sees it that way.


Spot on.
He has been playing pretty much continuously since February (The LOI season starts then) his loan ended at the end of June.
He only had a short break before joining us a week later.

Gabriel Sutton has picked up on Lincoln’s problems. He’s tweeted:

Admire the mid-term vision Lincoln showed to loan out Freddie Draper a league below. Long-term injuries to Ben House & Tyler Walker dictate the call backfired. Crying out for a goalscoring presence - they have it, but can’t recall him until Jan. Frustrating.

As for us, we should already be searching for his replacement.

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At least we have DJ as back up :joy:

Harsh … :joy:

Part time bit player in Sadler’s eyes!
What has occurred to make this a scenario?
Draper will be recalled in January, so we may as well get as many minutes out of him as we can.
Should be DJ & Draper up front, a devastating combo, with Oteh as back up, but no, Sadler thinks Matt (ha!) is the answer to all our attacking needs with the able assistance of DJT…boy, these two must be good in training that’s all we can say!

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Would rather we get DJ back into the side asap if we know Draper is off. Let’s get his confidence back (and start playing to his strengths).


They will probably recall him in January if they are light on numbers but I don’t see him being the answer to any goalscoring problems.

He will obviously be a big miss for us if he goes back. I agree with DanG, need to get DJ back and firing and it won’t hit us as hard. Start typing some numbers in the super computer and find a competent replacement if needed.

Last night I had a terrible dream, seemed so life like, where Sadler continued to leave out DJ, we continued a downward spiral and DJ left by mutual consent, and joined Tranmere!

Sounds more like a premonition

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We definitely need to dig up the corner flags see if any dead horses buried. Or get Barry Fry down here .what with the Hussey situation . Lincoln injures .Rico ACL. Ben signing DJ to make us happy .Mat Sadler not playing him to make us unhappy.I can’t take anymore someone’s got it in for us .


Lincoln’s manager has now been sacked.

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Gonna read this thread from the beginning again I think

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