Gary Waddock

That’ll do. Let’s now hope for some quality additions on the pitch this week

Oh, the irony!


Waddock was a decent player, midfielder/winger if my memory serves me well in a good QPR team. No idea how he will fare as assistant head coach, just about managed to escape relegation at Cambridge last season as a coach there, so I’ll reserve judgement on him till later in the season, can we have some forwards now please Trivela, I’m hoping this DJT returning is a hoax, please god.

I’d say the majority of posters have been anxious and understandably concerned rather than being defeatist. Claims the forum is negative on the whole is amplified by a minority that are resolutely positive reacting to a minority that are willfully cynical.


Fail to see the irony to be honest. I can accept people are positive, that’s up to them. What I don’t understand is everybody expecting everyone else to be the same and being upset and whinging about it when they are not, as if it has any impact on the football club whatsoever.

I think this is a storming appointment! It’s what we were all asking for - experienced old head, previously successful, did a good job at his last place…

Onwards and upwards!!


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I applaud your bravery in saying that I think I’ll join you .they can put me on the next cross to you when we’re crucified :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Glad that’s done.

Like the signing we made today it looks like a solid bit of business.

No champagne corks popping but a solid looking cv.

That’s decent.

Don’t lump on (yet)

Sounds like they already have! I don’t see how it can be described as a solid signing in anyway shape or form. At your absolutely most positive you can say he’s a complete roll of the dice who maybe didn’t fit a system last year.

Solid insinuates you can rely on their output. I don’t see how anyone can make that claim.

One good bit of business, one bad.

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We’ll see.

Solid to me is if we are aiming for top half rather than top 3. I don’t think we have the resources to make top 3 signings/appointments.

We just have to hope that the sum becomes greater than the parts and together we build a competitive team.

I’m not saying this is where we should be, it’s just where we are.

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It’s not expecting the club to aim for Top 3, it’s expecting them to come up with names other than a kid who was shite last year in a squad that finished bottom half, after making a song and dance about a change of approach and a supposed analytical driven recruitment policy.

Some coincidence for it to spit out DJT’s name. Especially considering his performances. But hey, there’s another thread for this.

Has Waddock have any other business interests out of football we should be shitting the bed about?


He does up rental properties


A vested interest in Dunelm I’ve heard. Should you shit the bed he can do you a nice line in bottom sheets at mates rates…:laughing::laughing::laughing:


Does he play much golf?

Heard Waddock is a painter and decorator and has supported sadler on many precious business ventures

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Let’s hope him and Sadler don’t just paper over the cracks.

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On the Cambridge Forums he was highly revered and often refered to as the Waddfather

He might make the doubters on here an offer they can’t refuse

Good nickname. Not Dicky Dosh standard, but pretty good.

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