It would probably go straight to spam…:smile:

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Just sent an email to Ben Boycott, I’ll let you know how I get on. Not holding my breath.


The ISSA can talk about all the good work you do in the community etc. but there are plenty of other groups in the local and surrounding areas do - you’ve just decided to latch onto a shared passion of the majority of the group - Walsall FC. This doesn’t give you the right to think you have any rights to think you can have direct access to the club and its directors - the thought of it is laughable.

I know I’ll get shot down for this but I don’t care, @Dhforever you’re constantly bad-mouthing members of the club rather than showing support. You have broken down the relationship between the club and the ISSA, and if I was a director of the club I wouldn’t be willing to deal with you either. The only way could help the ISSA build bridges is to admit your faults and step away into the background. Maybe then the ISSA will get somewhere with fresh impartial leadership but it won’t be easy due to the damage caused.

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My position as chair. Is up for. Challenge every year mate

But members keep asking me to continue in the role So. Do my fellow committee members so. Sorry. Untill this changes. I will continue in the role I hold

And if that means I’m the one having to call out, or as you put it, bad mouth members of the club then. Yes I will continue to do so Just as I will praise. When the need. Arises.



Why so many full stops??

And that’s why you speak for a small group of supporters who want to try and have influence in the way the club runs and that is never going to happen. The ISSA is a group of supporters and nothing more.

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I take. on board your comments but I’d point out you are wrong regarding. It being. A small group.

It is in fact the largest supporters group associated with the club. And that’s why. They dont like. Dealing with us. As we have a large proportion of the fan base. As active members


I certainly won’t try and shoot you down, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I will respond though.

That is an obtuse way of looking at things in my opinion. I know lots of people do good work in the community, there are even some regular posters on UTS that do some amazing work. That is a good thing though right? Doing good for others is always a good thing. It doesn’t just happen, there is a tremendous amount of planning and hard work that goes into it. To say ISSA has just latched onto something isn’t right at all in my opinion.

We were never asking for direct access to anything.

I would say ISSA has already got somewhere without the need for fresh leadership. I am extremely proud to be part of our achievements so far. There is a great team giving their spare time to try and make a difference. It is the easiest thing in the world to try and shoot it down from the background.

It feels like you have something personal against @Dhforever from your post. All I can say is he has the full respect and trust of the committee and the membership numbers keep on rising. Without him I don’t think any of it would have happened, it was @Dhforever’s vision that started it all.

What more does it need to be? You are wrong though, it is a group of supporters that cares enough to try and make a difference. You seem misguided about what ISSA’s values aims and goals are.


Some tripe being posted on here its a non profit organisation always has been they do great work and the club have had there benefit from it trust me.


Must admit whether i am right or wrong i also took it as a personal attack against @Dhforever a little bit below the belt if you ask me but who am i to say

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I wouldn’t be too concerned about people who snipe from the sidelines rather than actually doing something themselves.


FWIW I’m not the biggest fan of ISSA and am certainly less than impressed with some of their own decisions, but at the end of the day, at least they are giving up their time to actually try and communicate with the club as well as the other things they do in the community, which I reckon is more than 90% of us could claim.


I don’t know the guy well enough from “Adam” to have anything personal to say. Some of the comments he has made about members of the club would have affected the opinion they have of him. Therefore, my point is, if he is the “leader” of the ISSA then you can’t expect things to improve. I get the point that this is his account on UTS and his opinion not the ISSA but things aren’t separated like that when it comes to building relationships.

I’m not against the idea of the ISSA, all I’m trying to say is comments like this on a platform the club do read isn’t going to help get the ISSA a response.


I think you’ll find that Boycott, Jordan etc show complete distain for any supporter group, drilling down a bit further actually any supporter. It’s clear that with us spiralling towards the conference and embarrassed last night. They don’t actually give a shit do they?. If they did they would come out and say something. A well established community programme existed along time before they got here. They’ve done nothing… All hollow words. Investing in things that matter etc. Utter rubbish


Issa do an amazing job for the local community. Please keep going!!!. And you have every right to call out these people who lets face it have no interest in Walsall fc or Walsall as a town.


Just received this…it’s obviously not a live email address, just shows how much they want to communicate with us. They will do it on their terms or not at all.

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Or the really obvious…. that’s not his email. :woozy_face:

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Try [email protected]