Issa do an amazing job for the local community. Please keep going!!!. And you have every right to call out these people who lets face it have no interest in Walsall fc or Walsall as a town.


Just received this…it’s obviously not a live email address, just shows how much they want to communicate with us. They will do it on their terms or not at all.

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Or the really obvious…. that’s not his email. :woozy_face:

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Try [email protected]


Who the f*** is d.turpin?

maybe we should be emailing Drogheda as thats all trivela are interested in at the moment

What’s the real estate prospects in Drogheda?

sadler would probably be able to help with that :wink:

Keep clapping all happy. Hand wringer


Good read lol, just need to work on the ‘deliver’ side of things, the ‘stand’ part is all sorted…

Whittaker is and always has been a totally waste of space, you think those that sit by him would point out that he needs to give his head a serious wobble.

Whittaker is no supporter of Walsall, as supporters want the best for their club and not to see it slip to the depths it has.

The free suit and match ticket has obviously been enough for him to become a club puppet.

As others have said if Whittaker had an ounce of self pride he would step down, but we all know that’s not going to happen.


Just sent this.

I am no good at writting clever letters with big words.

Hi Ben,

Hope you are well?

I will get straight to the point.

Walsall FC are heading/sleep walking into non-league football.

We have a manager who appears clueless, and an Assistant Manager who fails to Assist.

A toxic environment is growing between the fans and the players

We have an SLO who has been told not to engage with fans and will not respond to concerns.

The club will not talk to and answer valid questions by ISSA.

All the good will you and Trivela had from the fans is quickly disappearing.

We have now gone 4 games without scoring, struggling against a part time team in the FA cup and about to get comprehensively beaten by Notts County, yet still no communication from you guys as it appears Drogheda now seems to be your favourite play thing while we are allowed to meander towards playing Dorking FC.


An extremely concerned Walsall Fan.


You’ll be lucky if you get a reply, keep me informed :+1:

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Stanchion and deliver!


I knew Mat Sadler reminded me of someone…

I don’t know about the deliver bit !!

He does a good job of delivering points to the opposition.

Alias The Reverend Flasher


Nice sentiments but none of this will ever get a reply

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Aren’t the e-mail addresses used by the club all rather than All the ones shown on the OS’s contact details section are in that format.