Jake Daniels - Blackpool Football Club

You’re misunderstanding. People don’t know instantly “Oh I’m gay”, that doesn’t mean that they were not born that way. Think how confusing it must be, in a world that the norm is to be straight, and nine times out of ten parents pressure you into being straight, to one day realise “why am I not attracted to the best looking person of the opposite sex that I know?” or “Why does this marriage feel wrong?”.

That doesn’t mean it’s a choice. Some are brave enough to be proud from day one. Some are unfortunate enough to fight it, sometimes for every single day of their life (which sometimes ends prematurely because of that fight). Discovering your sexuality is exactly that, a discovery, not a yes or no choice.

It’s easy as a straight person to be so definite in your sexuality, because that’s the “right” choice. There is no risk to that natural feeling. You’re not going to lose friends, or family members over it. You’re not going to be judged in workplaces or in social circles for it. It’s not as straight forward for anybody else.


And their educational system. They don’t even look at a map until they are 21.

As long as they pledge allegiance to the flag every morning though … :grinning:

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So you honestly believed that I am a member of a Pastafarian church and believe in a giant Flying Spaghetti Monster … and it wasn’t a humour example of the illogical belief that no proof is proof of something ?

Are you a real person? :joy::joy::joy:

If I’m reading this correctly. Sexual orientation is being argued as “hard wired”, by the same people that argue biological sex is a matter of choice :rofl: :crazy_face:

You literally couldn’t make this up.

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I agree with your take. If someone doesn’t like homosexual people that’s not a good viewpoint, but as long as they don’t translate it into a hurtful action, they should not be subject to some sort of punishment. Try to get them to change their mind sure, but I’m not comfortable with the idea of policing thought.

Football and social media are obsessed with gestures at the moment and I’m pretty cynical about how useful it is.


You literally are.


I clearly was, yes, and having re-read mine, yours (and Exile’s posts) a few times maybe my phrasing was poor. I genuinely wasn’t intending it to come across as if to say that someone suddenly wakes up one day and then ‘chooses’ to be gay/straight/different to what they were yesterday, but I can see how it reads like that.

I appreciate now that at the point Person A has discovered their sexuality, to say, Person B (who doesn’t/didn’t understand) it may outwardly appear that they have at that particular point in time made a different ‘choice’/taken a different path/call it whatever you will, but Person B has not seen or been fully aware of their path of discovery to get to that particular point in time.

I do genuinely understand now, thank you. Every day is a school day and all that👍


That’s a brilliant attitude, and I wish more people had it. Thank you for taking that as an explanation, rather than an attempt to shout you down or start an argument.


So you don’t class this as someone chosing their biological sex?

Sorry my mistake.

It’s impressive to conflate trans rights (literally called being pro CHOICE. As in, nobody is denying that is a choice) with discovering you are not straight.

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Best post on UTS in ages. Wish more were like that.


And your conflating trans rights, which I don’t think anyone has any issues or problems with, should individuals choose to be trans, with trans individuals that want to be described, not as trans, but as members of the opposite sex with the issues that arise from this, and particularly conflict with the rights of biological women.

Yawn. Nice attempt at a wriggle there but I’ve explained why you’re talking shite. Back on the block list :wave:

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Geordie? I can only imagine what he’s spouting on this thread :rofl:

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What an absolute pair :joy: :joy: :joy:

Debate in 21st century.

Anyway looking forward to the cut and thrust of the next 6,741 posts as to whether Kinsella is a full-back or defender :exploding_head: :woozy_face:

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Just the usual.

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Don’t be taken in, @Thanatos can very clearly see what @geordiesaddler is posting IMO.

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I basically agree with @ShropsSaddler and @RobHarv3y posts on this (still) very delicate/sensitive subject.
I will refrain from further comment.

I do love you EN you make me cry with laughter some days brilliant just brilliant :joy:

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After the latest heartbreaking blocking, I went shopping with my wife (is that still a word?) and was cheered to see the UTS debating society has already moved in on the Poundland partnership with a new range for the more discerning virtue signaller.

But can you name them??