Jake Daniels - Blackpool Football Club

You leave Chicago, Illinois out of this :wink:


Your right to freedom of religion and belief - Citizens Advice
Freedom of religion or belief - Liberty (libertyhumanrights.org.uk)
FoRB toolkit# (publishing.service.gov.uk)
A lot of bigotry coming up in this thread, the kind that if it wasn’t against religion, but against race or lgbtqq+ community, would cause massive uproar from the people spouting the anti-religion/faith views. You can’t have it both ways these are are ALL protected by law. Some of you need to get over the childish belittling of religious beliefs. If you don’t believe fine, but if you keep deriding other people for it your committing the same kind of offence as all the other bigots. Who rightly get jumped on, on this board.
I kind of agree with Geordie couldn’t give a shit about anybody’s race, faith, or sexual orientation. It’s simply their business and no-one else’s.


Nobody is saying you’re not free to do it. But don’t be surprised when people judge you on your own choices. And that is why it’s different to Race or Homophobia, those things aren’t choices.


Exactly that. Religion is a choice, a personal belief system. Your race, your sexual orientation - they’re hard-wired.


I’m intrigued. What laws are you talking about?

I think he has been watching too much Jordan Peterson.

Yes, I will continue to deride belief systems and individuals that encourage racism, misogyny and homophobia.

Yep, Mr Bigoty Mc Bigot, yes that’s you in the mirror…
Get off your high horse and accept that what you’re saying is a gross generalisation and misunderstanding of the world’s religions. You are are not the final arbiter and oracle on every subject.
Accept your bigotry get over yourself and reform those opinions.
Not all religions and religious people harbour those beliefs. Much of what you seem to believe about religion in general appears to be viewed through the filter of American evangelism via the internet.

I don’t think you understand what the word means - and you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


Eh, I might be seriously misunderstanding something here (and apologies if I am) but surely your sexual orientation is a choice, as in you can choose to change if it you want?

Obviously you cannot choose to change your race.

Absolutely clueless.

Is anyone who opposes homophobia, reduced woman’s rights and transphobia a bigot? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You must have a reading problem, because at no point did I say ‘all religious people are racist or homophobic’ - but if individuals are homophobic for the reason of being in a certain religion (or any other group for that matter - like, say, the tory party?) - then it should be deplored. Sorry to clear up the obvious.

Also not really surprising you misunderstood, you get most things wrong.

Um, no. If you’re wired to be gay, you’re gay. Straight and you’re straight. Anywhere in between and you’re in between. Sexuality isn’t either/or, it’s a progression between those two binary extremes. You don’t choose it, and conversion therapy is an abomination (just by the way).


Hmmm, I thought you’d declared yourself a “Pastafarian” believing in the “spaghetti Monster”? Because that’s such a hilarious way of being derogatory about religion? Not actually about any morale point at all.
So don’t say your only opposed to religion for those issues, it’s irrational dislike from you. Which ofcourse you’re so opposed to on other protected freedoms.

Better than be so up yourself that you think that you are right on all issues all of the time. Put a pin in that giant inflated ego. :roll_eyes:


You realise the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster is just a simple (logical) thought experiment to show why the argument of ‘but there’s no evidence to show god doesn’t exist’ is complete nonsense…. Right?

Yowie wowie. Misunderstanding central.

Hmmm, so not a smart arsed piss take then, when you were using it? Totally believable. :yawning_face:
Tell you what I’ll go and mow my lawn now, and leave you to look down on us from your moral high ground/ ivory tower.

oops double post

Law has to come before religious beliefs.

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But some do choose.

I agree that for the vast majority of people that are at the gay/straight ends of that binary extremes spectrum, they will always remain at those ends but the fact people can and do move from either end to somewhere in between (and in some cases well into adult life) shows that it can be a choice, rather than it being “hard-wired” from birth?

How can it be a choice :joy: you don’t just choose to have a certain partner, you have some sort of attraction :man_facepalming:t2: