L 2-0 vs Barrow (A) - League Two - Tue 28th Nov, 7:45pm

Barrow players aren’t better footballers than us.

They are just hungrier, more organised, disciplined, focussed and drilled. Mostly though it’s about that desire.

I never ever believed we’d be promoted or be that close. Equally I never believed we’d be relegated but I’m now beginning to worry.

Lose Saturday and he’s surely gone.

I just hope that the board have a replacement already in their sights.


Losing confidence in Trivela’s ‘management’ of my football club.


Theyve got 3 or so weeks to show me.

A tough watch.

Barrow were everything we weren’t, not sure where Sadler goes from here. Saturday is suddenly a huge fixture for him as I think if we suffered the ignominy of defeat he would be out the door.

Still cannot see sence of substitute as they made no difference. Same for same Hope travela get rid of saddler before its to late.

Surely the board must recognise that Sadler is an inexperienced rookie that we cant afford to take a risk on any more and is totally out of his depth, but there is a solution for BB to use…

You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go

How can Barrow get a team this good on home gates of 3,000? On paper, we have some good players: Daniels, Evans, Draper, DJ, Stirk, Hutchinson and Gordon - this should be enough to create a decent side. But we also have some dross: Okagbue, Riley, DJT, Allen, and some bang average ones in Matt, Knowles, Farquharson, Comley, Foulkes. We also have a few decent prospects in Maher, Williams and Smith. I think it’s getting time to get an experienced manager in. Perhaps Trivela can use their super computer, the one they use to get in the magnificent players we have, to select a great new manager!!


Hes got till January. When it will be too late.

Walsall fc zero league goals in November :see_no_evil:


I was told as fact that Trivela would not have gone through with the purchase of the club if we were not a league side which is why Pomlett was so grateful to Dutton and was sad to see him go. You’d imagine that it is the very forefront of their investment if that was the case I can’t see why that would change.


Our fixture list is looking grim. If we don’t win at Tranmere, then we will be in the bottom two.

Careful you could end up in the bad books.
Just had a thought, the MRs hasn’t bought a new one that’s a different shape so you’re looking for the wrong thing? Say a tennis bat shaped one instead of the big square thingmy?

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I don’t believe they are in it for the land or whatever fruity conspiracies but they are absolutely clearly only in it for the old rent payment.

Meanwhile Flynn serves up a 4-3 thriller with Swindon. This club is cursed!

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Awful. No plan.
I don’t even want to blame the players.
We played our four recognised strikers and barely created a convincing chance over 90 minutes.

They played better football than us as well though.

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Unfortunately sadler has to go. We need someone in for the alfreton game to look at our squad and take it from there. I hate saying this but if a change isn’t made we are in grave danger of going out of the league


Kinsella must be getting a nose bleed being that high in the league

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Totally outplayed for 75 minutes. When we played Knowles as a right winger, then we created something.

We were clueless.
Did we even watch Barrow before hand?
Did we have a plan?

Was Waddock the man behind Sadler on the touch line? Surely, they should be consulting together!
Sad when your aspirations are to be as good as Barrow.

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