L 2-0 vs Barrow (A) - League Two - Tue 28th Nov, 7:45pm

That was thoroughly depressing! No energy, drive or passion, just a woeful experience to watch.
I fear for Sadler’s job if we lose in the cup on Saturday.
We just couldn’t retain the ball long enough to mount any kind of attack, when we had the ball we would easily give it away. Their centre backs dominated the entire game, it was embarrassing to be honest.
Good to see the priest back in action after a long time out, that’s about the only positive I can take from the game - sad isn’t it?

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There has to be something seriously wrong and deep at the club for us to be in the state we are in. Can it all be laid at the door of Sadler?

It’s fell down the back of the drawer obviously

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If there is one thing we don’t struggle to do, it is producing puddings. Every season we have new and different puddings out there on the pitch. :joy:


That could be a picture from tonight as Daniels was invisible when defending our box tonight :joy:

Improved our goal difference on FGR tonight.
All is not lost.

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Adkins has turned their form around. Will be a tough match…

No, I now equally lay the blame at the door of Sadler and Trivela.


Hadn’t noticed that you’d stopped.

Any way despite the fact that we were rubbish, I’m looking on the bright side of still being 6 points above the relegation places. |Despite being on a bad run we’re no worse off than 2 weeks ago.
Also in the points form graph from @Semaj we’re better off than the covid season at this point, which resulted in our highest finish since relegation. You just need to stop being a reactionary sourpuss. :kissing_heart:

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I still found it easier than Matt finds the goal

He’s an ex-owl.



Very excited for sadler a positive spin on this one and inevitable ‘ it’s all a part of the journey , we are a young group learning and we need time. I will make this club successful starting with a Tough tough game on Saturday against a far superior side ‘

Only 3 teams with a worse goal difference

SHIT … (S)adler (H)as (I)dea (T)roubles

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I think if we win on Saturday and Trivela will give him until the new year, if we lose it’s curtains for him. I want to give him time and see him turn things around but you have to see glimpses of a capability to turn it around and it was in very short supply tonight. Again though Pete Wild is 18 months into his project at Barrow and you can tell that time has served them well. We can’t keep chopping and changing managers and expect a consistency of performance in the pitch.

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Said nobody

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We are being consistent, consistently shite :see_no_evil::man_shrugging:

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