L 2-0 vs Barrow (A) - League Two - Tue 28th Nov, 7:45pm

Supporting any football club is an emotional investment not an intellectual one for most I’d argue. After all if it were the latter few would choose to follow Walsall FC. The problem arises when the level of emotional investment reaches such a level that every reverse (or success) produces outpourings of emotional response totally disproportionate to the situation itself. We are seeing increasing responses almost totally divorced from the reality. A little restraint might serve us all well for a time.
We have now spent 5 seasons in League 2, slowly seeming to slip ever closer to relegation. Noone is happy with that situation! But turning the club’s fortunes around is proving beyond a succession of owners, managers and players. Rightly most supporters are pretty glum about the prospects and it may be that Sadler is shown the door but recent history does little to suggest the next manager will be the hoped for Messiah, more likely he’ll prove to be (another) Naughty Boy! When we were relegated from League 1 I said to my chum WalsallOne that we would not return in our lifetimes. Sadly that’s looking ever more likely as the seasons pass us by and I see no real prospect of any meaningful progress. What a state we’ve got into…


8 wins in 43 league games this year. Absolutely desperate and we are in big trouble unless something drastically changes.


I agree that if we go out of the League we won’t get back in my lifetime. As you all know I have tried to support MS. A rookie manager with a rookie team and have tried to understand what he is doing. He has been handicapped by a relentless injury list to key players …last night was the first time that defence has played together and it showed with their first goal.
I am not one of those people who blame the Manager for everything as there many factors that we don’t know about. However the performance last night was worrying , very worrying, as I saw for the first time this season a team who seemed not to be fully committed to the cause. A discernible lack of confidence too was shown. Saturday is key now…not only do I want to see Alfreton well beaten I want us to play as we have done several times this year without fear and on the front foot. McEntee will be back and hopefully Tierney too which should make a difference.
If however I see a similar performance to last night then I regret to say MS will have until the end of December to save his job and possibly our season.


Stirk last night really highlighted this. He’s been the one player this season that’s looked to keep the ball intelligently, holding on to it until the right time give it to someone else and try to get us playing forward

Last night he gave the ball away more than any other game this season to the point where he resorted to the way the rest of the team were playing


When you’re on a bad run of results form you also need leadership on the pitch young players of which we have quite a few look to these players to give a lead . captain senior pros were sadly lacking this during games at the moment both on and off the pitch .Daniel’s form at the moment ain’t great and as gone into his shell .no good giving pep talks after we’ve lost a game .needs to play that captains role during game .squad’s screaming out for a couple of experience players


PS: you wont have 6 weeks to waste this time. Get on with it!

Most out of work managers/coaches would sell their own mother for a job, even in our position. Even if we were in the National league.

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This should be reported as inappropriate material for pre watershed viewing…


Or POST watershed :joy:.

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That must be some good stuff ur smoking

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We looked a very poor side last night …again.

How many teams have we played in this league that seem to be able to put a run of passes together, and do look half decent footballing sides?

We can’t put more than 3 passes together it seems in the oppositions half, yeah we can knock it sideways and back to the keeper, when there isn’t any pressure on, but as soon as the opposition players approach it is aimlessly lumped up field, and it is absolutely amateur football.

We look, and are one of the worst footballing sides, except for one or two odd games here and there in this league and I’m finding it harder and harder to go and watch as there is very little football being played by this team and is just … not entertaining.



I don’t to want to paint a picture it was an acceptable result/performance

But. It wasn’t ‘dire’. It wasn’t devoid of hope or effort. It was a 4/5 out of 10 performance.

If we’d beat Harrogate or FGR no one would have batted an eyelid twice about last night. But that’s not an excuse. I’m just saying it really wasn’t horrendous.

Sorry Andy it was …

We had little spells, but that was more like they were just taking a breather

Ok. Appears im in the minority here. But I maintain it wasn’t as bad as say Crewe or Harrogate away last year

Again, not defending it. Just saying.

Steady you don’t want to go there, with your colloquial expressions, look what happened with the drink suggestion the other day. :scream:

Maybe not, but its still shocking football wise you’ve got to agree surely

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There were times when we passed the ball well considering the pitch. I think that’s the point I’m making.

But it wasnt the sort of pitch where that was a good idea. So it could never result in a goal, so probably wasn’t the best idea. Poor preparation.

But they were doing it, that’s the point people are making, they passed it around lovely compared to us, we looked shocking and I feel for those that went to support them and see that…again


Ok. Seems my perception is different. I would have said they passed the ball broadly as well/the same as us.