Next Walsall Manager Thread (Again)

If it is Sadler….

Announce Pomlett giving a passive aggressive pre-meditated reply about it being the cheap option



Sounds like it did happen

Doubt the Cowley’s were interviewed but if they were they’ve always worked at clubs with decent budgets for the level’s they’ve been at e.g. Lincoln signing James Wilson on 2 and a half year deal when they were non league.

Alexander also had good budget at Scunthorpe when they were in league 1 and obviously Salford.

I agree budget isn’t always the guarantee but when Steve Evans goes into clubs he usually signs 10 new players and that worked out for Stevenage. It’s hard to get promoted with backup like Williams, Abraham, DJT and Cashman anyway which were basically the cover strikers up to early January.

I’m not happy with Sadler if it’s true, he should have gone with Flynn imo but hey ho I’m not going to get worked up about it. He’ll still have my full support - well, for the first 10/20 games at least.

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An improvement in the youth system could mean better access for that manager to work with a higher standard of youth prospect. An improvement in the way the club recruits, scouts and acts in the market (contingency etc) can improve the standard of players that manager can sign for the first team. Even the best manager will be hamstrung by the way a club works, as evidenced since Smith left Walsall.


If I’ve been set up, i will be going down the vets tonight :tired_face:


Could you explain that again for El Nombre. He was confused (although he will never admit to it)

Is someone backtracking?


Every club at every level has budget restraints which they believe are in line with their expectations.

You can envy Stevenage if you like but let’s see where they are when someone offers Steve Evans a bigger pay packet and he hops off and they’re left with a big gaping hole In their finances, in their staff and with a bunch of players needing to be offloaded due to age or style of their latest manager.

Sadler: I will get us up playing attractive, attacking football.

Experienced candidates: To get promotion from this league with cheap players, you have to play to their strengths and abilities, which often means battling to keep clean sheets and winning by the odd goal.

Pom: What do these experienced and successful managers know? It has to be Sadler.


Board : like Michael Flynn was doing when 6000 people were booing him each week?

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Yeah, in the future. Exactly why I said that’s a good idea.

Hmm less enthusiastic. Scouting departments have been a thing since the day dot. I’m not sure I’d credit some philosophy on that, we should have that regardless. You’d have to be incredibly stupid to operate without one whatever your system (as we have been).

What I’m guarding and warning against is this feeling that some people think not having the right manager can almost be counteracted by coming up with this amazing philosophy day one. You can do all of those things you mentioned correctly, and that’s all wonderful, but you still need somebody who knows that they are doing in the dig out because at the end of the day, that’s what it comes down to. It’s far more important than the sound bites on a well written letter.

Understood it perfectly, just added to it :+1:t3:

But the last few years have shown that the opposite doesn’t seem to work either. That a good manager can’t override a weak system.

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That’s exactly why I’m saying there’s should be some reform.

That does not mean you can just give the job to anybody, regardless of experience or how they perform.


We weren’t winning by the odd goal at all, not for 20 odd games anyway.

And 6000 people weren’t booing him every week.


They were booing because we were losing and had won only once in over 20 matches.

Fans do not boo winning teams no matter how they play, and they do not cheer losing teams even if they are sent out to play with an attacking philosophy.


Who’s saying that? Some are saying that it’s important any appointment fits a system, but I don’t think anyone is saying it renders their ability unimportant.

Jeez. I’m losing count at the people you could potentially hurl insults at today by not agreeing with your happy clapping / apologist idealogy. Your going to be very busy. Hope you don’t have any work. Planned!!!

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Who cares, at least they’ve achieved something. I’d rather be them at the moment riding a crest of a wave rather than sat where we are debating whether another individual is going to be able to turn the oil tanker that is Walsall FC around despite the best efforts of the Board to knee cap them at every transfer window.