Next Walsall Manager Thread (Again)

Why? Why would Sadler have been offered less of a budget than anyone else? The budget would’ve been the budget. It’s possible someone might have said I want more and refused the job based on that, but I doubt it very much.

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It does if that system helps that very good manager to recruit and develop a better standard of player.

Cowley. Quite obviously. I’m not sure how realistic it was, but that’s clearly the strongest candidate.

I know people rubbished it, probably out of self preservation, but he was clearly the strongest candidate and best fit.

Nice style of football (for those that care about that sort of thing), proven record at this level, experience, seemingly forward thinking, speaks well to the fans and press.


Btw we’re all talking like it’s done based on a late night guessing game by one poster :joy::joy::joy:

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Is that really down to system?

I didnt say that. What I mean is that the club said we are going to still spend pennies and he was the most accommodating.

Yep, the same trap Matt Taylor fell into.

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Reaction on this board tells us everything we need to know. A complete disaster

You’re assuming he’d stay otherwise it would be offset surely :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

My post is not positive or negative. Its realistic.

As my posts, more often than not, are.

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Not sure what you mean.

I don’t think the club said that.

I think the club are very focussed on promotion.

Maybe just with more sustainability than we give credit for. There’s a difference.

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Well that doesn’t mean anything

we expecting an annoucement today or tomorrow? too many messages to catch up on

Your post said it was draining. I said I find constant negativity draining, that’s all.





If Sadler is already on the payroll how can his appointment as manager not be seen as a cheap option? Even if they gave the bloke another 10 grand a year it’s not the same as paying for a new manager and Sadlers wage for a year.


In view of the post last night I expected at the very least some official news on when the announcement is being made.Not a word from the Club so far. Very odd if random supporters know about the decision for it not to be made public.

Well it means they aren’t employing anyone who they don’t think can achieve that within their constraints. Cheap or not.

Artell for me looked a good fit.