Pop quiz!

To lighten the mood, pop quiz - I am good friends with a director at Wimborne town down here in Dorset and he informed me the other day an ex-WFC manager applied for their vacant 1st team manager role - so…

Which ex-Walsall manager applied for, and was interviewed for, as manager job at Southern league Wimborne Town?

I’ll post the answer shortly…

Doug Fraser

Id say, going going by its location…Brian Dutton?


Dean keates ?

Has to be merson escaping the bright gambling lights

Again with a connection to the area …Colin Lee ?

I’d go Briab.

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I’ll say Dickie Dosh, trying to get as far as he can from that Hartlepool chip shop.
Was I the only one hoping this was an actual pop quiz?

I would say Dutton or Keats

Jimmy Mullen
Kevan Broadhurst
Chris Hutchings

Doesn’t Sean O’Driscoll still live that way too?
Could be him?

I said Stevie winter didn’t see the manager line but he’s an ex player

Dorset based side - maybe Dutton

Dean Smith

Michael Flynn
( sorry thought your post came from the future)

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Alan Buckley. He’s got a caravan down there and gets a bit bored at weekends. Only so many garden centres and heritage museums a man can tolerate.


I think Dutton is manager of Salisbury :thinking: so will go either O Driscoll or Keates.

Jan Sørensen. I heard there’s a smuggling operation running in the channel for knock-off cigarettes from France. Jan loved a smoke!


He’s stilling running a pub in Tamworth !

Comparing his team to Flynns.

No doubt his team was often lacking in any other plan than give it to the attacking players. But my god - what a great side to watch when it went our way


That’s good to hear! Never has there been a football manager who so strongly resembled a pub landlord. I doubt we’ll see the like again.

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Got to be merson