Pre Season Friendlies 2024

I lived through that shit going to a Catholic school in the 70’s.
Not pleasant

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Religion should have no place in football
Or society but that’s another matter lol
Would love to see Walsall in Europe one day


I was brought up as a Catholic.
Went to Catholic junior & infants school, then on to Aldridge Grammar.
Started there in 1969.
I never heard any anti Catholic stuff until 1974 (due to the pub bombings) and yet most of the kids in my form, probably others in the year too, knew that I was a Catholic.

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Exactly mate, why would you care what anyone’s religion is?
I don’t think I have ever asked someone or been asked myself!

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It has absolutely no bearing on ANYTHING mate :wink:


If we play over there, I’ll probably stay in the north.

Armagh and Down are beautiful. I’ve family in both. It’s like the Lake District, which makes sense given its latitude.

For those whose interest in Irish history extends beyond the flute song Armagh is also steeped in history both ancient and more recently very prominent during the Troubles. I’d happily take some of our wannabe flautists around some boozers in Armagh where they can really give their sectarianism a right good workout.

The bloke who invented the penalty kick was from Armagh. Just saying.

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Yeah, that hasn’t gone down well.

Drogheda was always a town forgotten by the government, despite having huge potential. Close to Dublin, close to the North of ireland, close to sea, close to loads of tourist things like newgrange, etc. But government funding in the area always went to dundalk.

Drogheda finally was about to turn the corner I felt, and then the government decided to do that with hotel. Back to square one now, no hope of capitalising on huge potential we had now. One thing we do have, is good pubs though!!

If coming over, I’d stay away from Dublin anyway. Its turned into a right over priced kip.

Still a couple of places to stay around the town if you’re on it quick:

  • boyne valley hotel
  • scholars
  • Glenside hotel.

The city north hotel might be an option too. Its just off motorway but nothing around it. Its only 15 minutes from airport and 10 minutes from Drogheda (taxi probably about 20 euro to drogheda).


As you will know, the site of the Battle of the River Boyne is a few miles outside of Drogheda, the river itself runs though the town.

Most of Ireland is beautiful (With the exception of some parts of Belfast & Dublin though!)

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You can actually walk along the river from drogheda to the battle of the boyne site!

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I was on Shankhill Road/Falls/Crumlin Road area last week. Sectarianism still bubbling away. The Catholic areas seem to be prospering but the Shankhill area is a massive dump.

It was interesting to see the Falls Road flying Palestine flags and Shankhill the Israel flag.

With a metal detector? :grin: :wink:

Didn’t we play a preseason game in America before and it was announced with only a few day’s notice so no one could go? I can’t remember when, I’m sure I haven’t just made it up though.

Think We played one in the Caribbean when SMITH was manager. Think it was on YouTube.

My memory is vague

I had America in my head, but I vaguely remember some Walsall fans not being happy because they would have gone if there had been more notice. I can’t remember any more than that unfortunately.

I can think of at least 15 more ridiculous decisions that have been made in the last decade alone lol

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Get the map up on Google, and press the button that says hotels near by, it should let you know where all the hotels and B&B’s are :wink:

I’ve hedged my bets and booked flights and a hotel assuming a game is on the 30th :sweat_smile:

If not, I’ll have a lovely night out in Dublin :joy:


Central FC of Trinidad invited us to it I think and we won a trophy for beating Trinidad All Stars 3-2 from what I can remember, I also remember finding a stream for it too!

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It was a last minute trip, as it was set up for a Scottish team to go, Dundee I think, who pulled out, hence the opportunity arising.
Sure I read somewhere it was Sun Tan Man, that had organised it, so that was the connection for it to be offered to the Saddlers.
Also heard that Will Grigg told the club he was definitely travelling then signed for Wigan the following day.

I’m hoping for the 12th July. 334rd anniversary. We can recreate the battle again but without the osses. Or swords. Or silly hair. In fact we could just stay in the pub and enjoy the guiness.

I see ISSA are releasing a new pin to celebrate our union with Drogheda and new Irish affiliation.

*edit. My mistake, it celebrates our yet to be announced affiliation with Rangers.