Pre Season Friendlies 2024

Am I missing something.
It’s rumored that this tour is going to happen with very little time for people to organize even if announced tomorrow.

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Re Scottish Teams. What a great day that was. Walsall v Hibernian at Fellows park. About the only pre season game I’ve ever enjoyed


I went to Greenock a few seasons ago. Excellent evening.

I suspect that if they go it will be low key and any matches will be behind closed doors. I think we had a pre-season in Poland a year or two ago like that.

First pre season after we got relegated, pretty sure @Michal was able to attend.

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Blimey - five years ago!

It isn’t really, apart from a dozen brain dead special needs scummers who are about 18-20 (going on 12) who haven’t a clue what they’re singing about. They are an embarrassment.


The pub bombings were still being sung about at Fellows Park when I first went in '77:

“There is a Tavern in the Town (in the Town)
Until, the Irish blew it down (blew it down)”.

At the time, it sounded more anti-Brummie than anti-Irish!

Green Clover and Drogheda badge pictured on the Walsall tweet at 4

I assume that means Drogheda tour will be announced at 5

Have they deleted it ?

Some people have too much time on there hands and better eyesight than me needed someone to find it for me lol

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Bottom left on the first picture for the clover

Big advertising board for the Drogheda badge

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Nope, but there is an announcement. Elvis is in town

I…R…now E thank god we’re not playing Stenhousemuir would be annnounced until end of August lol


This is who I hope Trivela buy as the Scottish team in the group.
I’d ordinarily go for Queens Park but they’re amateurs and therefore not in the game.

If you take the preceeding one about DJT, it’s actually DIRE, sooo…


Weve only got four more posts to wait for with the LAND left to tease out. I can appreciate the novelty with the MACRON reveal being a decent ploy but surely doing the exact same thing twice in quick succession is a slight overkill.

I’m actually feeling a bit frustrated by it now. If you have the arrangements, just bloody announce them. A lot of people are waiting for the details to put their affairs and commitments in order.


You’d think they’d maybe do EIRE, unless we’re getting Stephen Ireland out of retirement.

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On second thoughts, EIRE is definitely a possibility. At least I hope it is!

Think they have been reading this forum with regards to various posters rants etc, see: