Ryan Stirk Signs

It’s been re-veal-ed he likes to grab the bull by the horns

Uddersfield tried to sign him, apparently.

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I heard that he had received an offer from Cowdenbeath.

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Herd Hereford also interested


I’ve herd he’s banned from all china shops

@monkeydog will be raging when he reads this thread

Why, what field is he in?


Still churning out the puns :sleeping:

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Let’s hope he’s consistent and doesn’t make any misteaks!!

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Let’s go celebrate his signing with a pint at the Longhorn.


You really should know with your username! :joy:

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I don’t care if it boars you, I’m not trying to butter you up! :wink:

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Sadler’s obviously identified a gap in our midfield and thinks that Stirk can fillet!

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My only concern is that he likes to hoof it.

Yes don’t want to say to much be we lived together once in Cowhabitation


Hopefully in his prime and if any misteaks are Rare it will be Well done to Walsall !!

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I can imagine it now, Stirk pulling on the Jersey…

Back round to “muffin” the mule!

Reckon there will be a stampede to the ticket office now