Salford City (H) February 1st, 3pm

Allen misses out by less than 2 months (he turned 24 at the end of June before the season had started).

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I know it’s the rules, but to me young player should be under 21 in my opinion. I guess it narrows the field down a bit too much though.

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For all the stick that he is getting at the moment (from some quarters) it’s worth remembering that Josh Gordon is a previous PotS winner.

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I am sure he’s a nice lad, but he’s just not good enough is he?

2 goals in 2 seasons (up until now) is abysmal, he played in a failed team that got relegated from League one, and has more yellow cards than goals in the league in his career.

He runs a lot, but I think as a club we have moved on.

His POTS win doesn’t really say much about his ability, other than he was one of the best of a (very) bad bunch - a bit like Liam Kinsella. In fact, he’s like the striker version of Kinsella. Runs around a lot, but a very average league two player.


Shows how bad we have been

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Whistle and they will come. :joy:


You’re a spelling mistake away from Dan Azza.


I don’t like to put players down, and you can never question his commitment.

I thought Saturday, even allowing for the fact he had been out injured for some time, that he looked like he was playing a couple of levels higher than he is suited to. He won the ball back a couple of times in dangerous areas, but that isn’t enough to justify a starting place. He just doesn’t offer any kind of threat. The new lad looked far more dangerous.

It’s a bit concerning he is still contracted for next season really, I’m not sure what they were thinking giving him a 2 year deal.


Absolutely agree.