Solihull Moors (A) - Friendly, Sat 29th July, 3:00pm

No preview unfortunately, you’ll just have to use your imagination.

There’s only one place to go if that’s the case…

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My first thought

Should be a healthy gate from us I think, over 50 seats already sold and I’d expect a similar number standing with plenty who will pay on the day.

my only worry about this one is getting through the game without picking up any serious injuries. With Jos Labadie on the pitch for them how likely is that?


Can we bring John Keister out of retirement for one game to deal with Labadie?


Yes that would work :rofl:



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I suppose this is as good here as anywhere:

Only their kids, but mostly our younger players too.

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That tells me pretty much 9 of our starting 11 for Morecambe.






Two from 5 for the midfield slots

Unless Evans is injured

can you pay on the day for the moors game?

Yes mate you should be able to

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Stirk and McEntee I’d imagine?

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First half team: Smith, Foulkes, Trialist, Williams, Allen, Oteh, Stirk, McEntee, Tierney, Draper, James-Taylor

Second half team: Smith, Foulkes, Williams, Trialist, Allen, Thomas, Riley, Comley, Maher, Onabirekhanlen, Draper (Juliff)

Who is Juliff?

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Seems like the trialist is a centre half

Pleasing to see that we had a pretty good mix of youngsters playing, many of whom will play a part in the first team - and hopefully can be the basis of our squad for a few years to come.

Smith 21
Foulkes 20
Williams 20
Allen 23
Oteh 24
Stirk 22
McEntee 22
Tierney 22
Draper 18
James-Taylor 21
Thomas 16/17?
Riley 26
Comley 27
Maher 18
Onabirekhanlen Somewhere between 18 and 122
Juliff 16/17?

Those aged 23 and over (so that’s Allen, Oteh, Comley and Riley) are no longer classed as "young " players, but the majority who played are potentially eligible for YPotS.

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It’s a really good base and should mean we can challenge beyond this season and that the current season is the be-all and end-all. Sensible progression is the order of the day.