Still 11 points clear off second

Pretty sure Dobson gave the ball away in midfield and they had a quick striker who grabbed a brace.

I want to say John-Lewis but I don’t have the time to check my memory.

EDIT: possibly Spencer Weir-Daley…

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I can’t really remember now.

I remember I was meant to be on late shift at work and I called in sick so I could go to the match, and my boss saw me on TV :joy:

I didn’t get sacked (that time)


If it was the sky game im thinking of that season, me and my two mates were asked before the game to give it the “Come on Walsall” to the cameras outside :joy:

I can remember the Macclesfield (Cup?) game being on sky as that was the footballs over the stand incident i think.

Was the replay at our place on sky aswell?

I don’t think the replay was on Sky.

The 0-0 at Macclesfield, I think to this day that is the most boring game of football I have ever watched. The balls over the stand was the highlight.

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@Blazing_Saddler wasnt that the game Merson was on comms for sky and we gave him grief at Half Time in that corner? :joy:

Yeah, that was the one.

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