The body Language & Waving thread

Can never understand why players shush or cup their ears at fans. Regardless of the actual intent you can guarantee that some ( usually lots) will be offended by it. Shows a complete lack of emotional intelligence IMO. Bring back the Mick Channon windmill , never any doubt about the way Mick felt when he scored.


What does Josh do when he scores, oh hang on a minute !!

He actually did the cupped ear thing at the fans in his first spell at the club, I remember it being discussed with some anger on here :joy:

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Bloody hell mate, you ainā€™t got a picture of that rare occasion? If you have I would contact the Antiques Roadshow ā€œ you could be sitting on a fortune.


I canā€™t even remember who it was against now.

Josh Gordon has declined a lot since then. He was never a great finisher but his movement was decent, he used to make diagonal runs across the front post, and runs to drag defenders out of position. He just seems to run around a lot nowadays.

Josh actually got injured scoring a goal.

And he scored on his first game back, though in the Vertu Cup.

I was from the generation when the celebration was a leap in the air and punching the air with your fist. Some would just raise their arm and make a fist, others would raise both arms in the air. Then they started hugging and kissing which pissed off the generation before mine :laughing:


I think it means that Lakinā€™s buying one of those new Japanese motorbikes: an Itchinaka!


Don Penn used to hold his nose and flush the loo!

Yea, thatā€™s usually what I have to do :rofl:

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Allan Clarke had a great celebration. Just one arm in the air.

Colin Taylor might have gone so far as to shake a mateā€™s hand after he had belted one in from 25 yards

Sounds like something off of GTA :joy:

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Worth a mention and hopefully @el_nombre will respond.

Did we ever get to the bottom of what it meant when Andy Williams used to look up at the sky? :joy::wink:

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He was saying to the beautiful sky ā€œCanā€™t Take My Eyes Off Youā€.


Perhaps he had an itch or was perfecting his pocket billiards technique.

It normally meant heā€™d missed. Again.

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Ah, Cannonball Colin Taylor or Colin ā€œThe Chestā€ Taylor. As modest as the day is long.
My favourite Saddler of all time, just pipping Tony Richards and The Buck.

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Young people of today (by which I mean those under 70) may not believe this, but when I was growing up we were taught that one of the worst thing you could do as a sports player was to act like a big-head and get a reputation as a boaster.

In the event of scoring a goal we were told that we should modestly go back to our own half with just the smallest acknowledgement of thanks to our teammates who had helped in creating the chance.

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We were. Exactly when did the excessive celebrations for a goal first start? I do not remember too many knee slides at Fellows Park.

I noticed that Sadler did not do a full wave on Saturday. Hope this donā€™t become a habit as the crowd will turn.