The body Language & Waving thread

What? Not even doffing the top-hat to the crowd?

Maybe he wasnā€™t waving but drowning? :thinking:

How typically sporting sir, and no one chanted but merely waved their hankies in an outpouring of support and occasionally when really excited flat caps would be airborne, many a game members of the audience would return home cap less and suffering from repetitive wrist strain due to vigorous shaking of their hankies, oh those were the days.

Whatever happened to rattles by the way? As a young boy their over-enthusiastic use definitely caused me wrist strain. As a teenager the cause of said strain was slightly different!


Iā€™ve got a rattle in my garage painted black and white, donā€™t know where it came from, but it still makes a bloody good noise.

When I started going to matches in the early/mid sixties I had a rattle, it was small and didnā€™t make a lot of noise. However, my Auntie had a pair of really big clackers.

Can you imagine being seated in front of someone with one of those they were a chunky piece of timber one crack on the back of your head all hell would let loose .think the cardboard "clappersā€ followed but. I think they got banned at some grounds .think we had some when we played a Wembley. My granddaughter 6 year old still has hers as a momentum of that day .now a 16 year old

teenager.and still comes to Walsall on regular occasions with me .

Prefer the pinch and roll method myself :joy:

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When I used to play football, and admittedly it was only over the common with my mates. The worst thing you could do was a toe bunt. Instant pile on and often a bit of a kicking.

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Amantchiā€™s celebration after his goal involved skipping sideways along the home end. Slipping out the door? :crazy_face:


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Heā€™s picked up women on the Wednesbury road?

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Tony Richardsā€¦ Why shoot when you can head it in. My all time favorite.