The Mat Sadler special

A podcast all about Mat Sadler.

We discuss whether we think his time is nearly up, how long we would give him, and whether we think Trivela have been too quiet on the issue.

We also hear from the fans about their views on if Sadler should remain in charge, and also dissect just what happened at Alfreton.

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As always, we hope you enjoy the episode


Just listened to it lads!!!. Great podcast, even if i didn’t agree with giving Sadler the season to get things right. Great thoughts on how many games he would have to lose before you’d all sack him…different views indeed, especially the not sack him over Christmas :wink: :santa:ho ho ho. Personally think the next couple of games are massive for him. Must win game tomorrow at Alfreton, anything else will be seen as a massive failure plus the game at Notts County. Whereby the manner of the way that game goes will determine his long term future at our club. Great to hear your three opinions on the Saddlers. Passionate supporters just like the rest of us. Keep going. Thoroughly enjoyed it :ok_hand:


Good balanced discussion that was.

Interesting that one of you (Matt?) also knows (from inside) that the dressing room is still united and behind Sadler.


I think the fan chat on WFTV last night was also quite similar.

I don’t think he’s going anywhere unless we are in relegation trouble. That might happen over the Christmas period - and he will be sacked if that’s the case.

If we sort of teeter around but keep an arms distance away from the drop - I think they’ll be stubborn. Rightly or wrongly.

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Funny how are standards are so low only relegation trouble in league 2 would end saddlers career with us
Seems the club do t even care about top 10 anymore and the fans are just fools for dreaming of the playoffs over teams like barrow


Great pod as always. Very balanced.

My Preference:
He goes and is replaced with someone with managerial experience.

At a minimum:
Sack byfield and waddock. Replace with a proven no2 or out of work manager/ coach, a John Gregory type.

Long Term:
Get the DoF sorted so we dont have to tear it up by Nov

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The WFTV one is watchable for the other guests but it’s ruined by the two main men on it, Lee and Simon.

Input from Daz is always good and constructive, as is Phil who is very balanced and articulate….the other guy seemed ok too……:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Simon and Lee……jeez….never known anyone with such limited experience question the knowledge of a manager or the ability of a player like they do. I don’t doubt their commitment to it or their enthusiasm and of course they’re entitled to an opinion but some of what they say is cringeworthy.


It’s not what I would do chap - I think anything other than a top half finish this season is a complete failure. I think he would be worth persevering with if we are sort of around mid table - but if we end up being a bottom 6/8 side all season then he has to go. Not good enough.


It’ll be difficult for trivela if it goes wrong tomorrow and Saturday mate. Losing tomorrow and depending on how we perform Saturday might leave them with only one decision to make. Like the lads on the podcast said… you’d have to get rid of him soon else there’s no point in the middle of January with very little time for a manager to bring his own players in. We shall see starting tomorrow. I want to see us showing that we are 2 levels above them!!!.


Cheers for the response guys, really appreciate it.

Nice to hear the various viewpoints on Sadler.


One of the things that might work in Sadler’s favour is that FGR have got a very tough run of games upcoming, so even just a win and a point here or there could see the gap widen before Christmas.

I agree, if we can take a point per game over the next half dozen really tough fixtures that gap between us and the bottom of the League will grow and keep Sadler in a job, with the opportunity then to get a few much needed bodies through the door in January.

A point a game eh, living the dream.

I fancy we will pick up an unexpected win somewhere soon to be fair. The Sooner the better though.


Problem i have is i cant see what he’s trying to do whats our playing style for a start anyone? Seems like hes throwing shit up the wall and seeing what sticks I’ll be surprised if he’s still here by Christmas and we could be in real danger by then but will Trivela act quick enough?

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You can only focus on the next game so let’s hope we can put Alfreton away. The draw wasn’t that inspiring but both my boys want to go to Southampton, they’ve never been.

I really just want us to get some points on the board and get out of this shit situation, because if they do pull the trigger and get rid of Sadler then if they get it wrong again we are up shit street. Anything but get relegated, it would be a disaster that we may never recover from. I know it’s rubbish and our expectations and aspirations as a club should be bigger but we are where we are.

Sadler was given an opportunity and maybe deserves a bit more patience than Walsall fans were ever likely to give him, but he has to do better than this, even in the short term things can’t go on like this for too long.


That’s the dance they have to play isn’t it ? The dance of relegation.

I think that’s what will ultimately decide his fate.

IF we lose, say, the next 4 ot something - we could realistically be looking at being in the bottom 4. I think at that point they would have to sack him. I don’t think even the biggest Sadler supporters could defend that.

That said, I would much rather we are nowhere near relegation, and, by some change in circumstances - Sadler gets something right and it clicks.

I think we might get something in between - a random win somewhere, followed by a bad result or two, a draw, and so on - to sort of edge us forward and stable in that lower mid table sort of position.

I don’t think it’s good enough, but I think the club might be a bit stubborn on it.

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If there’s a Santa clause in his contract he should be out on the 25th.

Love WFTV and can’t wait until his next ‘Where am I challenge?’

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A really interesting discussion that covers all scenarios as far as I can see.
My own view is that he wasn’t wanted by many of the fans so it was always going to be a mountain for him to climb.
I’d love to see him turn it round but if we lose tomorrow goodness me the atmosphere is going to be vile.
I won’t be joining in personally because it doesn’t help the team I’ve supported for sixty five years.
It’s probably in his favour that we won’t be back on home soil for a little while longer.

Regarding Sadler BB has made it clear that he is interested in the long term and Sadlers decisions this season have been entirely consistent with that philosophy so he’s not going anywhere soon.