The Mat Sadler Thread

Then you haven’t read properly or with an open mind.

I was one of the first to be really critical of the style of play several weeks ago.

I’ve also had my own opinions on selection or formation that differ to what we’ve done.

But that’s what I believe this forum is for…discussing the actual football.

I also understand that although I MAY have done something different there MAY have been reasons why he didn’t….there are situations in football that you can’t control and my opinion is he’s fallen on the wrong side of those a few times and it’s cost us and been no fault of his own.

It balances off over time but it hasn’t necessarily done so yet. Thats what I consider a fair crack. Time for things to balance off so I can judge if it’s bad luck or a recurring theme of bad decisions or poor knowledge.


Its a recurring theme of bad decisions he doesnt learn from his mistakes whether thats because of his ego , because he genuinely believes his way will prevail we will find out , give him another 2 months were in thr relagation places deep in the mire what then ?

I can’t argue this any longer!!!

I was arguing that listening to unfounded gossip and spreading g bullsh!t about dressing room unrest isn’t right, or helpful.

We could be here til the dawn of time if we want to agree on his merits as a manager.

IMO he’s been hampered with quite a bit of bad fortune and he’s juggling a fair few balls….all while trying to correct years of poor level performance on and off the field.

This wasn’t a roll on job…the club in good shape the last manager just got a few thing a wrong….this is several managers and previous owners making a mess of stuff and it’s a big job redirecting rather than a quick redirect.


Because i just made a valid point what would you do in 2 months but ok you cant answer ciao :wave:

I missed the question.

If we’re in relegation and showing signs of no improvement and player disinterest then that’s a different conversation.

League position isn’t necessarily the issue for me it’s how or why we’re where we are.

We could be 20th but showing signs of real progress that could be about to explode….we could be scrambling points playing like Flynn had us and sitting 14th and I’d be wanting rid……

It’s not binary to me.

The question was in the relegation places not 20th ok … no more to say here

Ffs the same applies….be as pedantic as you like :man_shrugging:

Nothing pedantic about it … there is a big difference between 23rd/24th and 20th at end of january :man_shrugging:

Its ok leave it

My argument and answer remains the same ffs

Then you cant comprehend the question :thinking:

Mate what do you want from me? I’ve answered your f-ing question and I understood it. Do you not understand my answer maybe?

It’s not binary for me. League position isn’t necessarily driving my decision. 20th / 24th doesn’t necessarily make THE difference.

24th doesnt drive your decision as long as you can see potentital :grimacing::pleading_face:

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WTID makes a valid point. I dont mind very much whether we finish 8th or 22nd this season as long there are signs of progress and growth which there are (though obvs prefer to finish 8th).

However if we finish 23rd or 24th then it leaves us in a mess. No amount of long term planning helps if in the short term you are relegated.

My answer to that is we are not 23rd or 24th or even 20th. I think there has to be an element of trust that Sadler is balancing short term needs with long term planning but wouldnt do so to the extent of threatening our league status and so I dont think we would end up relegated.

Of course I might be wrong and Sadler takes us down, in which case I hope you all enjoy the trip to Gateshead next season. :joy:

Exactly what i was asking Andy thankyou.

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I didn’t say as long as I see potential….i actually said “if I saw real signs of progress”

You’re reading what you wanna read. Or….as I say just struggling to understand my answer.

He didn’t ask me what I’d do if we finished 23/24th.

He said if we’re in the relegation places in two months time.

My answer is, for me it’s not binary based on league position.

If we’re showing signs of real progress that leads me to believe we won’t be 23/24th for long that to me would be better than sitting 16th in a spiral like Flynn had us in.

Each to their own really, if you are a paying fan then in my view you have every right to voice your opinion, whatever that maybe.

As I’ve said before, I withdrew my financial support for the club this year as that was the only option with which to voice my displeasure at the ongoing failings and decision to increase prices off the back of it. If I had stumped up cash and witnessed what was out on the pitch on display I think I’d be feeling short changed again.

Plus the majority of the team that played on Saturday were here last season, together with Sadler who has been around for 3 and a bit years. They are not totally unconnected to the failings.


Potential / progress its kind of one of the same id of thought.

I said relegation places that comes under the remit of 23rd/24th in this league not 20th

I was merely asking you if in two months time we were there what would you do ? Would you stick or twist But its fine the question had been answered

I think we can all agree there has been huge changes in the quality of football this season - from the last 10 years.

Yes, we are a work in progress… but how did we get here? Let’s take a moment to appreciate the trajectory we’re on. Gone are the days of aimless long balls and disjointed play. We don’t see any of that any more.

We’re seeing a team that’s trying to play football the right way, building from the back, focusing on possession, and creating meaningful opportunities. Sure, it hasn’t translated into a string of wins yet, controlled play or actual goal scoring opportunities, but Rome wasn’t built in a day… was it?

We have a manager in Sadler who is committed to a vision, a style of play that’s more sophisticated and nuanced than what we’ve been accustomed to. It’s a breath of fresh air, frankly. The pieces of the puzzle are slowly falling into place, and while it’s easy to get caught up in the frustrations of the moment, let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture.

This transformation is akin to turning a tanker; it takes time, patience, and steady hands. So, before we rush to judgement, let’s give credit where it’s due. We’re witnessing the early stages of a footballing revolution at our club. Let’s be part of this journey with support and belief, not just as spectators, but as integral players in this unfolding story.


Of course. But my point was what would be more beneficial or conducive to assisting the team on the pitch.

Agree…but last July was the beginning of hopefully making improvements….the players many of whom are young were in this from that point and although the argument that we failed on the pitch last season could be levied it’s also fair to say that overall there are signs of things improving in general and they (the players) shouldn’t be judged on what happened prior to Trivela coming in.