The Mat Sadler Thread

Potential and progress most definitely aren’t one of the same thing ffs

You can show potential while making progress but to say they mean the same is just ill-educated.

Potential is the promise of something that could happen. Progress is evidence of it actually happening.

To be clear, just for you, as you’re struggling with it….

If in two months time we’re 23rd but showing signs of progress I would prefer that to being 16th and in a spiral of regressive form much like we were under Flynn last new year.

As I say it’s not binary for me.

I’m sure you’ll disagree or try to argue but you asked me a question so don’t expect me to answer it how you want it answered.

My ol grandad always said “never ask a question if you’re not prepared to hear an answer you may disagree with”

Wise ol fella

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This is…. An interesting take.

Progress by being 23rd in league two?

Wouldn’t that mean we were in an even worse spiral of form?


Not according to CS

didnt smith go on a winless run of something like 16 games in 2012/13 before winning 12 out of the last 15 or something similar?

It is possible to slip down the table but also be building for the future.

There is no way in hell Sadler will be in charge if we are 23rd in 2 months time.

Not a cat in hells chance.


No it’s doesn’t. It could mean but it’s not definitive.

It was a hypothetical question placing us in 23rd in two months time. Because if that I can hypothetically suggest we may be showing signs of progress….not exclusive to being only on the pitch.

I don’t think we’ll be 23rd in January and I think we’ll continue to be showing signs of progress by then also.

Absolutely bonkers this thread. 23rd in the league potentially slipping out of it all together and yet demonstrating ‘progress’

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I didnt come up with the hypothetical question ffs!!!

See you never picked up on my sarcasm there and wasted half a paragragph taking the time to explain it :rofl:

Yeh 23rd in league 2 sure is progress as long as we showing the potential to progress but ok lets leave it there just like i thought :+1:

I think it’s a moot point mate.

Sadler won’t be here if that’s the state of play in 2 months.

Sure, we could go on a fantastic run… I just really really doubt it. There hasn’t been any evidence to suggest otherwise really.

do you not understand the Smith example?

I know but it did make me loff :smile:


Are you Gensanx in disguise? The minute you look a plonker you play the “I was joking” card!!


All to do with me not being able to comprehend CS

TBH dont think its fair you mention Gensanx when hes told about replying to you



I haven’t told him that :man_shrugging:

I’m not convinced you want the same person.

Tbh either of you disagreeing with me fills me with confidence that I’m talking sense. Carry on :+1:

Never said you told him did i ?

Anyone who disagrees with you is just a mere mortal why you sit there with your coaching badges polishing em up , carry on with your acceptance of 23rd / 24th see ya :+1:

:kissing_heart: you’re welcome

18th last time I looked.
Jesus H Corbett. This threads really descended into some kind of parallel universe where we’ve lost our next 3 plus the cup game before we’ve played any of them.
This is what’s getting on my tits at the moment, the relentless talking down of everything about WFC: club, ownership, team, manager, players, prices, colour of stuff, bogs, food, beer, traffic lights.


It was a hypothetical scenario based on one mans support for MS and my none support for him we both have difference of opinions thats what makes UTS a good place.

No one is saying we lost them already AGAIN it was a hypothetical question .

And its not the relentless talking down of everything walsall Fc its the relentless talking down of MS because at present he deserves it

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