The Official Summer Transfer Rumours Thread 2024 II

Could it be Faal? :sunglasses:

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I don’t think he is OOC.

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Wrong David !!

1 year left I do believe but I may be wrong :person_shrugging:t2: (and I must admit to thinking it was him, no mention of him on Albion forum that I could see of late…)

It’s relevant to the thread though, in that him moving house could indicate if he’s staying or going

Got Sir Ray’s old digs on the Turnberry :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Apparently DJ’s new house has a bench in the garden, so he can complete his daily training on it.


Another trialist from Alvechurch


Is that Baggies new first team shirt?!!

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The Alvechurch trialist may be 20 year old Australian goalkeeper, Charlie Emery.


Actually it seems like he was training with us last year, his linkedin said on trial at Walsall :smile:

Possibly at the magistrates court ?

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Alvechurch’s team from last season and their two teams from their friendly on the weekend if anyone wants to do some digging.

Josh March :thinking:


that would be a great signing

I can see this happening, especially with the Jamille Matt links. Still only 27, but Josh March only managed 1 goal last season at Harrogate, so it would be a punt.

He would certainly strengthen the squad though and he seem like a Sadler signing: industrious, strong, hungry to succeed having experienced life in non-league, knows the division and a local lad who the fans should warm to. :+1:

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If it’s an ex Alvechurch player, what about Jacob Wakeling from Peterborough?

Tyrone Barnett describes himself as an ‘athletic target man’ which fits Sadler profile of a striker perfectly given the agricultural football we generally play.

Would be happy with that but would cost us with him having signed a 3 yr contract last year.

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He’s 39 in October :laughing: