Walsall Football Club - So Many Issues

Looks great but those prices :man_facepalming: Imagine a family of 4.

It is more expensive but personally I’d rather pay more to get something decent. At the moment the club get nothing from me for food as it’s rank. Offer stuff like that and I’d have something every time.


Sums the club up, they just aint bothered, with our directors involvement in another food business, you would think it would be a priority to at least get the food at the club right, it doesn’t look like a very good advertisement does it


Agree but they probably wouldn’t need any tea or supper after having one of those tummy fillers .

With all the space around the ground you could have loads of different food and drink stalls , and get the stalls to pay the club a rent each game , like the Sunday Market do, and let’s see what a difference this could make to the match day experience, and how many more supporters you’d get interested.


Oh mate agree, I would have no problem paying it but I am thinking of the masses.

£50 for entry , £28 for food £10 for drinks … modern football though I guess.

It’s a good lay out for a league 2 Football match.


Yep. Exactly - make the experience something different, and build a connection with the local area. We’ve been lacking that for 20 years.

The food is like the other off the field activities, stale and bland.



I saw this used without attribution on WFHYS.

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Dont think I would have admitted to reading that dross.


My local excellent non-league club showing us how well run our club is

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Shame it’s not what the people of Walsall want, as we have been told


How’s the bar service been recently my lad is still working at the club and enjoying it?

In the lower absolutely fine. I took two Dingles to the Salford game and they were pretty impressed with the bar and the service. One had been before the renovation and commented how much better it is.


I think the bar is working OK nowadays. Can thr club just replace the flimsy wobbly big tables? Bought 4 pints the other day and lost the tops of them when somebody brushed against the table.

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Pre-ordering for halftime?
We’ll have none of that nonsense at WFC.

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Absolutely- my first visit since before the pandemic (when it was closed due to floods) 100% improved a good facility now. Well done Mr omelette!

Just been told we have to sit down on the back row of the Upper Tier block two (despite having stood up for six seasons without issue). Having questioned the stewards for a few minutes, who were absolutely fine and just doing their jobs, it’s apparently because ‘someone from the council’ is here watching.

What a way to make an issue out of nothing…

Wonder what he/she thinks of the bogs

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