Early Bird Season Tickets 24/25

I have renewed the price for me is a little steep but for my 17 year old its an absolute bargain. I feel Trivela are finaly moving the club forward after years of going backwards. The club must grow and increase the fan base if we ever want to be anything other than an average league 2 team. In 1985-86 season we were in the top 50 best supported clubs in the country. The board forgot about attracting supporters in the decades that followed and just expected the fans to turn up. While other clubs gates boomed our were stuck around 4,000. I at last feel optimistic that Trivela have got us on the right path to recovery.


Iā€™d be interested to see what other clubs like Stockport and Chesterfield have actually done recently to be able to develop and improve on their attendances and fanbase.

From 2012-2019, Stockport had average attendances of below 3500. Last season they averaged over 7000 and this season over 9000.

Chesterfield had attendances of 3500-4500 between 2018-20 and now they are nearly averaging 8000 this season.

Lincoln have nearly quadrupled their attendances in the last decade.

I know there was naturally a post-pandemic boom but it would be amazing for us to replicate what some of these other clubs have been doing. Stockport are a shining beacon in a sense for us as they are similar in stature, being in the shadow of some huge neighbouring clubs.


Those teams you have mentioned all seem to have dropped out the league and come back stronger with alot more fans.

I agree walsall need to push for better attendance. Unfortunately im not renewing due to having stage 4 cancer at moment health good but not sure how i will be in a few months, both of my lads are also not renewing due to me, and having to work more saturdays. Wish club good fortune in getting berrer attendance but think club will struggle unless battling for promotion.


Aside from how we do and attendances etc, I hope youā€™re as well as can be and wish you all the best mate.


Sadler out for not getting us relegated :upside_down_face:

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Interesting that those teams got out their leagues playing possession based attractive football :grin:

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Playing budgets a factor there.


Stockport were in the National League and under for 11 years, the first six of those years they finished 16th, 21st, 14th, 11th, 9th and 8th before getting promoted back to the EFL after spending ridiculous amounts of money in the National League North.

Not all about pretty football at those levels.

There will be more to it than this obviously but winning some football matches on a regular basis helps. A bit of real ambition, neither Club came up with the intention of making up the numbers, Stockport have gone up again after a couple of seasons, and I am guessing Chesterfield will give it a good go.


Ambition is the key.
Mansfield have increased their fanbase significantly. Due to the ambition they have shown in the transfer market consistently their fans have had genuine expectations of a good season for several years now. Apart from the odd season they have been challenging at the business end regularly and winning more than they lose.



They have all dropped out of the league and bounced back. All with 3 x support.

Every club has ambition. Money, and planning, are the keys.


Many apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, happy to delete but bloody hell, talk about poor value for money

Itā€™s worse than that, our most expensive ST is Ā£499 according to the club website.

Maybe they have applied a few moderating factors to enable like for like comparisons?

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I was out in the car with our George earlier and he was messing about on his phone and he said to me that we had one of the most expensive season tickets in the EFL and I said to him donā€™t be daft :rofl: I better go and apologise to him! He must have been looking at that.

Seems like Trivela doesnā€™t mind shifting some cost onto the fans in all areas, which I donā€™t mind too much if we see a bit back in the way of decent signings, we will wait and see.

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Mind you we probably also have one of the cheapest STs. I believe itā€™s Ā£23 for under 12s. Ā£1 a game. Iā€™m sure other clubs do good deals for kids but worth taking into account.

Pretty sure theyā€™ve stopped that this season.

Ā£69 or Ā£92 - canā€™t remember, with Ā£3 / Ā£4 back every time they attend. I asked about it, thatā€™s where I got the info from.

No mate, under 12s was free but is now Ā£23 with a Ā£1 back for every game attended.

Over 12s up to 18 I think, Ā£92 with Ā£4 back for each game attended.

That is what I paid for my two lads.