Former players - where are they now?

Didn’t know that Luton had named one of their stands the David Preece stand.


Nor me. Then again I didn’t realise David Pleat was still alive. I could have sworn I heard his death announced a few years ago.


Doesn’t look to have ages for the last 20 years

Lovely touch for a wonderful footballer “mini” :heart:


Jan Sorensen has died:

RIP Jan :pensive:

RIP Jan (deserves his own thread?)


Yes RIP Jan…your time with us was short as indeed your life has been. The games were fun when you were in charge and lots of us will remember you with affection.

A friend who is Foxes fan has lent me Vardy’s book. Didn’t realise Peter Till played with him at Fleetwood when they got into the league. He even scored a goal and shared a house with Vardy who describes him as quote’ a good looking lad who loved himself’ and had the habit of taking the only tv up to his room after the others had gone to bed. One morning Vardy thought that had happened only to find out they’d been burgled. It was the night before a 5-1 FA Cup defeat to Blavkpool.

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Think we dodged a bullet here - if he’d signed a few days earlier guaranteed he would have scored against us
Jordy Hiwula: Morecambe sign forward on short-term deal until the end of the season - BBC Sport

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Certainly likes a move Jordy that’s 7 clubs since he was last with us 2016 average 12 month stay !

Another good point for DC and Kinsella tonight. Clarke has done phenomenal since taking over Cheltenham, they looked dead and buried


Clarke knew what he was doing in signing Kinsella. Just the man for a relegation battle, with 100% commitment. I have always seen Kins as a niche player - very limited but he does what he does well and, if that’s what the team needs, he will excel, even in League 1. He would not fit into our current team but that is not to say he does not for Cheltenham.


Shit manager though according to some.

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Liam Bennett on the bench for Cambridge today…. Get him back!!! :grinning::roll_eyes:

Came on after 63 minutes, when Cambridge were already a goal down at home to Peterborough - and that’s how it finished. Cambridge currently 5 points up from the drop.

How long of a contract does Bennett have at Cambridge ? Anyone know ?

Walsall fans on Bennet “he’ll play in the championship or maybe even the prem”

Also Walsall fans on Bennet “Chance he may leave league 1 and come back to us in League 2”

It’s difficult to tell who you hate more.

Walsall supporters or Liam Bennett?…