Gary Waddock

Yeah. Spouts any old crap just to justify the position of Sadler

Or even ask how either know, what is their insight into the goings on?? There is sooooo much talk but thatā€™s all it has been, talk, speculation or whatever you want it call itā€¦

Westie got a source but he wint reveal who quite rightly

You need to be a whole lot more certain to challenge a statement than you do to make one that you think wonā€™t be challenged.

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The most toxic thing at this football club is this forum ,
Some really questionable posters on here now


You should kow all about Bull, because you are full.of it. And by the way, it is true. Go and of your players, scouts or agents who you supposidly know so well.


Oh no. You already have a list of about 60 people you dont like. How many more lol

Oh yeah if only Iā€™d thought of that before saying it was bullsh!t :yawning_face:

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Never known anyone talk such rubbish mate

24th in league 2 representing good progress stuff like that.

Hes on a different planet

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And right on cue there it is

Why canā€™t anything stay on topic with you? It always reverts to Sadler or DJT and this was in respect of neither.

Westie will claim to know through his source he wonā€™t reveal. Fair enough because Iā€™ll do exactly the same.

All I will say is, for the more rational posters here and there are a few, who know exactly who they areā€¦ā€¦ rest assured Gary Waddock is full time and there is no dressing room unrest as detailed in the infamous text a week or two backā€¦

If people choose to think Iā€™m lying thatā€™s fine Iā€™m not wasting my time arguing over it. Iā€™m quite comfortable with what Iā€™ve said.


So what your saying is westie is lying to cause unrest thats a big statement to make CS

No I could be saying whoever is feeding him this stuff could be lying or he could be mistaken. But it is causing unrest and division.


Interestingly no comment on the DJ pisstake to Sadler on Saturday at half time. Yet all is rosy lol

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Not even worthy of a comment even if I had seen it. Which i didnā€™t.

DJ fancied a go at hit the crossbar. He missed. Just. Then had a laugh about it with the announcer and Jamille Matt.
The club has issues on the pitch but that wasnā€™t evidence of any of them.


Think Iā€™d rather accept that there is unrest and the assistant is on a 3 day week to explain the shite they are serving up.

If everyone is FT on the training pitch and happy as Larry then we really are fooked :grin::joy:


He took part in a kids shoot out at half time, scored a goal then walked down the tunnel laughing. Worthy of a comment to me.

ā€¦or perhaps even lost in translation. It may be that choice words were exchanged in the heat of the aftermath of a game, but thatā€™s not the same as a full-blown mutiny.

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