Gary Waddock

They binned Flynn, so I don’t see why not. Surely they need to be successful here to build their brand.

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Not really sure of their intent, I believe they have seen an opening to buy really cheap Real Estate.
Americans are besotted with Real Estate, In my business dealings with Americans this became evident. I do believe you too were in business, did you have any dealings with 'em?

Lived and worked there mate. Coincidentally, I graduated (my masters) from the same University as Ben Boycott (Alabama)
Plenty of real estate deals in The US without having to play over here. I’m still taking them at face value.

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OK indeed, from my experience all Americans want to be Walt Disney, buying up cheap property to make themselves millionaires over time, though I doubt Bescot falls into such a category somehow!

I know he is only here 3 days in the week for training. Apparently he still lives in Wimdsor so he spends time in the week back at home. How that is meant to work for any club trying to build a successful coaching set up is beyond me.


Money saving option if true which is unacceptable and is showing with little sign of progress and improvement


Harsh but fair summary :grinning:

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It’s a statement. A statement I can make if I want to Dornansog. I think El Nombre sums it up quite nicely but I could add alot more. Flynns dig at Sadler in an interview indicating what type of person he is. The clear piss take by Johnson on Saturday. Smashing the ball in the net in a half time goals completion then walking down the tunnel pissing himself laughing

Thats a couple of toxic examples. There are many more.

But just to satisfy you. No thanks.

Not forgetting how the kitman from last year was stitched up by MS :man_shrugging:

And all the bullshit spun at all the meet the manager evenings. Remember Pomlett and the marquee striker being met at the services to sign the contract :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. The Manny Monthe cover up :joy::joy::joy::joy:.

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Don’t forget the ‘we will come out of Covid stronger than most clubs’ :lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:


That literally happens for every club, a club might be interested in a player and that player might be based a long way away, so they’ll meet up halfway somewhere to discuss things.

Yeah. I’m seeing nothing to retract my toxic and rotten to the core statement

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Yep calling Bull.

Know for a fact that’s not true.

You may be ok with a transfer rumour mate but that’s all :rofl:

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That’s why you keep your gob shut!!!

Yes we know. But he was due to be announced the following day!!!. We didn’t hear anything!!!

Westie makes credible statements. So this I think is true.

So you both know for a fact!!! . Somebody is telling BS ? .


Westie a lot more reliable than you i know who id choose to believe

I know who most Fans will think is credible!

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