Gary Waddock

I heard it mate maybe we will go mad and put an offer in for him that would be some statement .


Who would have Deeney has player/ coach.


100% yes, heā€™d be amazing for DJT and Onabirekhanlen.

Iā€™d take Ashley Young

Can Deeney still play? or have his legs gone?

His legs are still with him I believe


:rofl: :grin:

Just read heā€™s doing his coaching badgeā€™s.

Deeney would be good as player coach. Think heā€™s based in the Midlands so could happen.

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But does he live in a Matt Saddler house???

Iā€™d have him as player coach tbf

I feel he was being quite polite and potentially sees his career going upwards in the near future.

One day who knows, he may come back when he is older


Nice genuine lad comes across really well and had only good things to say about our club, best podcast yet guys keep them up.

Ps About coming back did he mean when heā€™d reached 36/ 38 ish

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Thatā€™s about the age when he would return, but he must also have an ACL injury that will take the season to recover from, then weā€™ll be interested ( only joking about the acl , I only wish him well )

Are will still looking to recruit a 1st team coach?

There was much speculation about Andy Whing until he went to Solihull.

Anyone know whether Sean Parrish might fit the bill?

No thanks, heā€™s came across as an absolute tit in podcasts recently.


Massive disappointment. I expected Waddock to help Sadler implement some real discipline and structure to the team. Not happened at all. Here for a pension top up by the looks of it. Unless of course he is trying and Sadler simply will not listen. Thatā€™s always a possibility as Sadler comes across as an extremely arrogant individual. Views?


Oh dearā€¦

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You seem to dislike everyone, everything and every topic on the board. Why are you a member

Hereā€™s and old quote from 2020 that might help youā€¦

As an observation youā€™re not doing well on the improving part. :shushing_face:


Youā€™d think IF and I donā€™t think Trivela will yet, theyā€™ve got steady hands at the tiller, they dispensed with the services of Sadler then Waddock would come in at least on an interim basis and have first crack at the job.

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