Gary Waddock

I’d like an interview from the club with him.

I’d like the players to mention him.

I’d like to see him do something during a game.

Maybe, Sadler could mention Wadds and Daz in the occasional interview.

Right now, it’s a one man band accompanied by two crash test dummies…


How about this?


Why do we have the no 2 s and assistants that sit like dummies in the dug out. It seems like they just don’t care. The ghost mk 2

Same reason as every other club I suppose.
The shouty bit goes through the manager. Bit mad to have all three shouting instructions at the same time.
It doesn’t mean they aren’t passing on observations / advice to Sadler

When England play, Steve Holland is always discussing tactics with Southgate. Many would argue that he is the more astute whereas Southgate is the more softly spoken. There appears to be a continuous dialogue throughout the match. Even under Flynn, the players would run to Hatswell after a clever set piece routine resulted in a goal. Does this happen with Byfield or Waddock?

In short no. I sat behind the dug outs yesterday and Waddock barely spoke to Sadler.

Nonsense. I sat near the dug outs and they were in constant communication. If anything waddock is his go to for everything and Byfield very much in the role Sadler himself had with Flynn and Hatswell.

  1. You’re not allowed to have two up and standing / communicating

  2. If you could it would be chaos and the players cannot actually hear much anyway which is why academies encourage coaches to have little or no input during games to encourage players to learn to make their own decisions during play

  3. It’s very much motivational rather than instructional anyway

I manager I know who now works in the England youth set ups used to say if he’s shouting tactical information during games on a Saturday he’s done his job badly Monday to Friday.

There’ll be the odd one liner or there’s a break in play maybe. Other than that it’s about adding energy and sorting tactical info out at half time.


Ray Graydon hardly said a word during the game. He told us that if he had to then he had wasted his time during the training and preparation sessions. Mind you he also said that in the lower divisions simple systems were needed as the players were to thick to understand anything more complicated hence the reason he stuck to 442!!


You went to a game ?


Considering they got a formation which started with a 4 confused with the attendance during the match thread I’d suggest not. Let’s not forget calling DJ, Andy Johnson which was more amusing than anything. I can talk though I wasn’t there either.


It’s had a bit of a mare this weekend to be honest, topped off by not recognising the troll account :smiley:
Probably worse than Knowles’ performance :wink:


Your use of the word “it “ is interesting. It could be that we are dealing with some AI here . I had not considered that possibility before but the more I think about it the more sense it makes. As an example someone who doesn’t go to matches wouldn’t be concerned about the numbers going.

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A = “Artificial” or “Absence of”? :thinking:


I said it months ago there is an air of subversive ‘grey zone’ bot feel to it… Are GCHQ busy these days?

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I would hope so, looking at the state of the world. :grimacing:

Where’s he heard this from?

Didn’t people see him there who sit by the dugout though in another thread :joy:



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That’s what i thought

No idea what he actually contributes, but whatever it is it isnt working. Same with Byfield