Gary Waddock

If we sack Sadler, which we should do today, would anyone have any confidence in Wazzock changing anything in a caretaker role? I wouldn’t.

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I wouldn’t either. Club is toxic and rotten to the core

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We actually know nothing about waddock tbf . Which is not great he in his role should show some kind of communication with the fans now and again imo.

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He played under Terry Venables

Only that he has an excellent record as a Manager and coach.


Working from home…

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Go on then. I’ll bite.
How is the club toxic?
Why do you think it’s rotten to the core?
I’ll be interested to see if you can support these claims or whether you’re just throwing out statements for the sake of it.


Rotten to the core might be a big claim without evidence but surely there can be no denying that there’s toxicity at the club? On and off the pitch.

In the last few years alone we have had:

Multiple Owners, one selling to one of his previous board members (who is still hanging around the club like a bad smell) because his position became untenable. Many of his cronies still being involved in some way. Multiple managers, none of which work out, whether that’s their short coming or the environment. A Director of Football that didn’t last a year, amid accusations of bullying at former clubs. A manager leaving for a club lower in the division (now promoted) saying “I’m not a miracle worker, I have a better chance here”. Multiple seasons where the players have outright downed tools. A player SQUARING UP to the fans (?! Mental to think this actually happened). Protests, including delivering a coffin to the front door. Fans one bad performance away from cat calls and dissatisfaction simply because they are sick of the fare that is being provided.

Sounds pretty toxic to me.


Hmmm….I wonder which it is?


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It’s already been provided lads :point_up:

Don’t help him/her. They’ll just agree with what you’ve said

As I said, I don’t agree that the club is “rotten to the core”. I’m not justifying outlandish claims like that.

It’s pretty hard to deny its pretty toxic at the moment though, and has been for the last 7 years.


The claim was “is” toxic and tbf you provided examples of what “was” toxic. I’d agree that it was, and although it’s a long way from being great on the pitch, I don’t see how the club is toxic or rotten to the core.
The owners seem to be committed to the club, but haven’t yet got the playing side right. I honestly don’t think that they will stick with Sadler if he doesn’t improve our league position soon.


Nope. They’re still relevant, as heard on Saturday. The squaring up happened this year, under the current ownership regime. As did the players downing tools. As did yet another manager failing for one reason or another appointed by them. Many of Bonsors associates (including Pomlett) are still knocking around today. Toxicity isn’t something that happens one day, it manifests over a period of time.

Say, 5 years.

Quite right, the coming of the Transatlantic ‘new era’ has done very little other than a cursory lick of paint etc. On the field we have steadily become even worse, so, quite rightly the atmos has become just a little toxic…the booing of constant poor performances from the team and it’s rookie Manager is not beyond understanding any more.
Still, there are certain posters who will defend the clubs performance as acceptable, come what may.

It takes time to turn things around. Trivela seem to be (to me, anyway), an owner that cares about taking the club forward. The big concern is that they are too remote to get a feel for what’s going on at WS1.
We shall see.


I have no doubt their heart is in the right place. Their knowledge however I’m less convinced by.

Creating a toxic environment can be done through sheer bad decisions rather than a lack of care.

I wouldn’t disagree with that. Putting someone on the ground would send a positive signal.

Do you ‘really’ think that? I believe they couldn’t care a hoot and will only act, with regret, when the intolerance from the fans becomes toxic beyond acceptance. Just a different opinion of the current state of our once beloved club.