Hutchinson Gone

Ahh i thought Division 2 was the equivalent to League 1, apologies.

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Not surprised in the slightest but bitterly disappointed. The one footballing highlight in a team that plays Sadler anti football and fair play for not coming out and dissing Sadler for the way he wants the team to ‘operate’ rather than play football.


What a sensibly thought out post Mighty, bravo sir

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While I’m on there have been a few whispers re …………Josh Gordon :roll_eyes:

Hutch was an unproven player when he joined us, admittedly more experienced than Jellis or RAM, and we have had our fingers burnt in recent seasons bringing in “experienced” midfielders that have turned out to be shite.
We can replace Hutch’s goals and assists without signing a marquee like for like replacement, which frankly would cost a shitload of money, even if we could tempt him here.

I know right, he scored goals and assisted on a regular basis.

Jeez, I’ve never known a manager in history, especially at our level be so specific about what kind of player he has to have to fit his style of play. Good players are good players and good managers get the best out of the ones they have got. I know no one can help Hutch leaving but we will end up with a team full of runners when Sadler has finished if we are to believe what you are saying.


I don’t think Jellis will replace Hutch: our midfield 3 will be: Earing, Comley, Stirk (or McEntee). Should be good for 5-10 goals/assists!! I just hope we tighten up our defence- we are going to need some clean sheets! And for all those wishing Hutch good luck: I don’t care how he does at Bristol Rovers (unless we have got a sell on fee!) - he’s not our player anymore.

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People always say this when we lose a player but it’s not entirely true. We were his 5th club, including impressing enough in League One as a youngster that he got a move to a Championship club (which granted never took off, but he was loaned out for most of it).

He was clearly not the finished article and improved over the two years without a doubt, but he didn’t come without a reputation either. We need to set the bar a little higher for our expectations, or we just let the club get away with languishing where it has for 5 going on 6 years.


I just think at our level, most signings are a gamble, and even more so when you’re looking to replace someone who has contributed so much to the team. The last couple of times the gamble hasn’t really paid off, but there is clear thought behind why we signed those replacements

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Not a rumour, but wonder if someone like Reece Brown may get looked at by Sadler, out of contract at forest green, blues links, formerly signed for Peterborough as seen as a player with unlocked potential. Iv seen him a few times first time round at forest green where he scored and assisted a few goals, and I was always impressed although underlying attitude problem …

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picking up free transfers, bargains etc and then selling them for a profit has always been one of the ways we do things and will continue to do so. Players will know this which is why we pick up players who have potential but have fallen by the way side. Selling to Bristol Rovers is a tad difficult to take given that we have been at the same level probably more often than not. However at the moment they have the advantage. They are in L1 and with Hutch being an Eastbourne lad a good location for him to travel home if he still has links in the area. Good luck Hutch and thanks for your contribution over the last 2 years.

Always a possibility of losing a stand out player at this level, and expected. We have to replace him properly though if we’re to continue to progress, not a possible talent, but a proven good player otherwise we’re just going backwards.


This is 100% right.

Equally, I care about next season. Hutch wasn’t unproven before last season, we knew his quality and he was on an upwards curve. The 2 replacements in Jellis and RAM are at least 2-3 seasons behind him in their performance curve - and that’s if they ever get there.

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I agree he was more experienced than Jellis/ RM when he arrived. He would also have come a lot cheaper than it would cost us to replace the current version of him, and I doubt that quality of player would come here even if we we were to show intent.
If that makes sense?

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Seasons getting closer and you are still a million miles from Planet Earth.

Neither proven at National League - let alone Football League.

I’ll back Maher and Jellis to the hilt. Even if not up to scratch - but no know proven replacement this stinks of “hoping” rather than knowing.

Promotion winning sides don’t do Summers like this. Early days give the club time but to sit there clapping your hands at this as “succession planning” … you are miles off it !

Good luck Hutch


Spot on.

I won’t be holding my breath for one of those names, but we will see.

I actually wonder if we will be replacing him like for like at all. I’d like to see us go 5-2-3, incorporate wingers to take some of the ridiculous strain off the wing backs to both create and play as out and out full back out of possession, and give us a bit more width and threat outside.

Totally agree. Maybe those “accelerators” should be putting their hand in their pocket. They reached into the fans quick enough.


That would be good.

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It will be a big ask if Sadler thinks Earring is going to fill the gap as well as he wont play 40 odd games due to his injury record, hopefully we have players lined up who can fill the massive void in goal contributions