L 1-0 vs Harrogate Town (H) - League Two - Sat 11th Nov, 3pm

Are you honestly happy being 17th in league two?

I think Sadler is failing to be honest. He’s under pressure after that today.


Why play one up front at home against a team below us is beyond me, we never worked their gk enough, Saddler f up today with his selection

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17th in the lowest league of football.how anyone walsall fan can be happy with whats going on at our beloved club i will never know.
Total and utter joke,losing again to relegation fodder.
This aquad has some good talent in it,maybe the best we have had for some time,but is being wasted by a very immature manager who is once again willing to die on his sword,tactics all wrong and putting square pegs in round holes.
I have tickets for salopies away tuesday and thats it from me,cant keep working my ass of to give my money to a club that doesnt give a shit about us fans

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Because they weren’t shots from 4 yards out. I’ve already said we do t create those types of chances and neither so many teams.

A new world record :trophy:

Add me to the list if you’re handing out blocks, if you like.

You’re actually a joke. Seriously, to the point where it pisses me off being on here at 5.15pm every saturday when we lose.

You have absolutely no credibility whatsoever. Your opinions (of which you are entitled to) are shite.

No substance or intelligence to anything you post whatsoever.

You appear, from underneath your rock everytime we lose, to single out certain players and the Manager, drum up support for your “agenda”, throw around the usual “articles” about MS side projects as if it remotely matters and then what do you do?

You slink back off within the hour, when you’ve realised your drum has a hole in it and you havent garnered the support you hoped.

Many times you’ve been called out and shut down with facts presented to you by other posters on here and what do you do?

You play the “I was joking” card.

Why cant you have a reasonable debate, provide substance or facts to help your case, instead of just rocking up and shouting people down with your “opinions”? Perhaps you’d be taken a bit more seriously.

As embarrassing as the result today.

Congrats on the 9 likes :+1:


No of course not but I try and be rational rather than reactive and I’m not putting the blame at the door of a manager who put a team out, that dominated the game, dominated the possession, dominated the goal attempts, lost to a gk error and then saying it was because he played DJT instead of DJ!!!


Still stuck in queue to get off carpark. My son just said they should block cars coming up the road and open both sides of the road to allow one side to turn right, the other left. Any taxis go via the away side. And I won’t be asking the club about it at the fans forum.

Just been told by steward, road shut by Morrisons, a crash apparently.

Thought the ref was excellent today.
Pity we didn’t take advantage on such a rare occasion.


Really thought Saddlers game plan worked to a treat, as he planned to let harrogate think we have no idea sown DJT is really a quality league player and Comley know how to play football so let him run round like a headless chicken. I think result was fair with how bad we played

Certainly one of the “better” ones. I said exactly this to the Mrs about 70mins in. There was even a couple of questionable calls thay went in our favour!

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I didnt see Tommy Pierrepoint’s name on the subs list

That says it all really, just put your foot in it. We are an average lower mid table/relegation fodder squad short on an ability to develop a winning mentality. The whole Bescot operation has a losing mentality, which is going to be hard to shift in our lifetime.

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But… with respect, this is after 17 games - not reacting after just one defeat.

We have a negative goal difference, we are having to pay to watch DJT up front, and we are 17th in league two, with 1 win in 7 now.

Who else’s fault is it other than Sadlers?


Whats the odd’s on Byfield being the next manager?

The Walsall Way.


Yes you’re right but I have no idea how that’s me putting my foot in it!!

7 points from relegation places let that sink in why MS is still learning his trade

Played the possession game and fell flat on our face. I’m afraid this defeat is on Sadler poor team selection and wrongly timed substitutions.

Strike 1 for Sadler in my book 2 more to go.

You can’t dominate a game and then buckle late on.

I thought we actually played well for 90 mins without looking a threat in the final third.

Sad thing is i actually called it 2 mins before there goal we are that predictable :unamused:.

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I was just replying to a post saying we would go down.
We won’t.
Doesn’t mean I’m happy with our situation at all. Far from it


Strike 2 for me first one was sutton match


Well not DJT which is apparently what some think!!!

Let me ask you….or anyone else a question….

Had Harrogate battered us, had 60% of possession, 25 efforts on goal….but we’d won because the GK let soft DJ effort slip through his fingers would you be happy?

I get happy today….3 points and all that but looking at the long term potential or progress would you think that would bode well? Bode better than today?

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