L 1-0 vs Harrogate Town (H) - League Two - Sat 11th Nov, 3pm

I’m most definitely not going to argue over where we are in the league :man_shrugging:

I’m oddly accepting of this result given we played 1 upfront and left our best striker on the bench. Right now we’re always going to concede at least 1 goal so if we don’t score we lose. I sort of expected it.

We played well until they scored. Plenty of shots we just didn’t hit the target often enough. If only we had a decent finisher at the club….

Well played DJT Knowles and Gordon who all played well. Lots of effort from the players in general and they pressed well. DD reaction to the boos at the end understandable from that perspective. But we lost. To Harrogate at home due to baffling management and team selection. I don’t boo but I won’t condemn those fans that did.

This result is on Sadler.


It was announced by the pa the minutes silence would be followed by the playing of the last post. Everybody stood around waiting for the last post that never happened it was messed up somehow by someone


Good, I have managed over 55 years of hurt, and it doesn’t ever seem to get any better believe me.

We are rubbish - how many excuses are we going to make by seemingly highlighting any positives (however small) and ignoring the reality of where we are. We lost to an awful Harrogate team so what does that say about us?
Evans will get criticised for the goal and rightly so but as is the case in almost every game, why did the defenders just sit back and allow the guy to shoot from the edge of the box under zero pressure. We consistently allow the opposition to cross the ball and shoot from the edge of the box every game and still we do not learn. This must be a coaching problem.
So many simple things we do not do well. As an example, in the second half we had a free kick in their half in front of the family stand and instead of swinging the ball into the box we pass it backwards over the half way line to Foulkes who then kicks the ball back up the line straight to a Harrogate player. Why does this happen?
DJT was ineffective today and does not lead the line as a forward should. He carried no threat. Some will cling on to the two times we hit the post but I really think that just papers over the cracks. Another game we lost when we should have drawn or won. Morecambe, Crewe, Crawley and now this we have thrown away points and I am sure others will mention other games. It simply is not good enough.


Very nicely put :clap:t2:


55 ?
Give it up mate. You picked the wrong club😁

We can have arguments between fanboys and doubters of Sadlers all we want, but why are our owners buying football clubs in Ireland while we are still this shit? Every penny that went into that deal could have been spent on this squad


Knowles was quite good today and DJ should have been on the end of the cross he put in from the left hand side later on in the game.

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Because Trivela are only interested in Real Estate, prime land strangely being utilised by English Soccer clubs… run them into the ground and make a killing from the land, fobbing off ‘the spectators’ with ‘grand new era’ crud, every now and again.


Apart from his free kicks (Jesus Christ why does he take them?) that’s as well as I’ve seen him play this season.

Because they have a hidden agenda concerning drog. They know they not gonna see much return on walsall , go buy drog pump a few hundred into the squad in no time they will be seeing returns on prize money and appearance fees on qualifying for europe, even the qualifying rounds in the lowest european comp is more money walsall would get for winning the league , they aint stupid theyre investors

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It isn’t good enough. I judge on results and league position, currently 1 win in 7 and 17th. We don’t play next week so by the time we play FGR it will almost certainly look worse from the league position point of view.
I am getting seriously worried with the fitness of the team and this is during last season as well.
Trivela for me are some way off improving things. January is critical now and I’m not concinced the manager knows what he wants to do.
He wanted to play 352 and we don’t sign a RWB, then we sign DJ and don’t appear to have a plan on where to play him.
From the fitness perspective it won’t matter how many players come in if they are constantly injured.
I really don’t think the backroom is right, this will always reflect on the pitch.
Starting to struggle to work out what we do next, worryingly I don’t believe our owners do either.
It is concerning, owning the freehold will not sell tickets, noted we were under 5k today and the result won’t improve that in a fortnight.

I got 20 likes to a post about hamsters. Doesnt mean other people eat them too


Like many of us blame my dad. Brought me to Fellows Park one day to watch a proper team, not his fault, he wasn’t to know what hell he was to put me through for the rest of my life.


Lots of half chances, struck the post twice, never looked in danger - then conceded from an error.

Seen it a million times before and always thought some days it doesn’t matter what you do, it’s just not going your way.

More concerned with the DJ / DJT situation really, as after January and the inevitable departure of Draper, that becomes a very pressing problem. I understand why Draper makes the team sheet over DJ, but I can’t see any argument based on pure scoring ability that puts DJT ahead of DJ, so it can only be something deeper. When he did come on, what was noticeable was his frustration with his team mates when balls weren’t passed to him or weren’t passed where he wanted - and to me, it started to look like there was some friction.


DJ didn’t have any kind of service when he was on the pitch. When he tried to close players down he was often on his own with no back up allowing Harrogate to play out. We have no particular patterns of play as it always seems completely off the cuff most of the time, to blame DJ is ridiculous tbh.


And you can bet your bottom dollar tranmere , FGR,newport Grimsby and Donny will all have a more productive jan transfer window than us

My lad keeps blaming me, he was intoduced in the Graydon era.

When are we going to start shouting a little louder?
Was the match on I follow today? I watched from Tenerife but apparently fans couldn’t watch it in the UK on I follow?