L 1-0 vs Harrogate Town (H) - League Two - Sat 11th Nov, 3pm

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Anyone else worried that sadler is always happy with the teamā€™s performance?
Very rarely has he ever seemed annoyed by a loss
He just brushed the loss of and goes ā€˜ oh well the boys tried Iā€™m happy with them , we will look at the positives and the negatives will sort themselves out with a little training ground workā€™
Every single week. Is it just media talk or is he actually not realising we have a problem?
Are losses acceptable to him if he believes the team tried


Itā€™s a good performance if you find a way to score and win the game. When you find a way to lose it then it becomes a shambles. Thatā€™s football.

Not like it was even a shock really is it, saw it coming a mile off.


Yep. But not so much if it they smash one in from 30 yards or work a great goal.

Not conceding like that. Not really a ā€œsmash and grabā€ when your keeper gifts it on a silver platter.

I would like to see one of the coaches or the assistant manager come out for an interviewā€¦ See whether their take on things are as positive as Sadlers.

I donā€™t mind it as heā€™s probably just trying to not get the players too low. His presser today however was delusional and does no one any favours.

Would Paul Hurst appeal?

Iā€™m sure he was Shrewsbury manager and Sadler was captain for him, I think.

He has a lot more experience and heā€™s available.

I always thought that heā€™d be a good fit for Walsall.

I was talking about personalities, but thatā€™s a massive ā€˜ifā€™ about the Covid season because Clarke never managed a consistent run of form (with us) before or after.

Yeah, itā€™s better value :grin:

Football is not about looking good. It is about grinding results especially when you are not 100% ready, no matter recruitment, injuries, form or something else is not working. I feel sorry for MS, but it looks like this challenge grows too big for him. When a bad day event becomes a recurring event it means something is not right and requires fixing, but Iā€™m afraid it can be too high step for him.


We have tried good coaches as well, insipid uninspiring coaches with all the spiel and buzzwords.

We should probably just give up at this point.

I just feel the only way this club gets promoted at this point is by accident, with someone completely bonkers :grinning:

Im actually still for giving Sadler more time,out of hope more than anything, but im just bored of being a Walsall fan now.


I normally have my head in my hands watching Walsall @Speakasyoufind

Your suggestion is far more likely to put a smile on my face!

Maybe Sadler sells motorboats as well as houses! #supersmashinggreat

Iā€™m just so fed up of us being sh*t!


Couple of dozen in the slow cooker. They fall off the bone :meat_on_bone:

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Thatā€™s enough from me tonight.
Going to buy a dog tomorrow

Oh come on we really didnā€™t.

It wasnā€™t his fault we lost of course it wasnā€™t. Just as it wasnā€™t DJTs eitherā€¦.and according to many it was sadlers fault for picking one over the other :man_shrugging::rofl:

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Whose fault is it for being 17th?

Because from my eyes, itā€™s mainly on Sadler and Jordan.

Itā€™s not good enough.


To be honest, Iā€™ve come to expect that any new manager is going to be facing pressure within 6-18 months. Itā€™s a cycle weā€™re in and Iā€™m not sure that will change until the Club does.

Until then, Iā€™ve no idea what qualities or experience Paul Hurst or any other manager would need other than the ability to achieve success in spite of what seems to be an ingrained environment of underachievement.

For me, itā€™s too early to be looking at other managers.

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