L 1-0 vs Harrogate Town (H) - League Two - Sat 11th Nov, 3pm

Knowles my MOTM, fwiw

Stirk motm for me


Totally agree. If we had gone for the win and not to lose we would have won the game easily.


Not sure I understand that point.We controlled the game , had over 20 shots so what would you have done differently? The Managerā€™s options were very restricted because of the numerous injuries we have.


Today was an absolute disgrace. Feel bad for the few that turned up. Also cannot believe Harrogate only bought 65 fans :melting_face:

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A disgrace? If you mean the result I agree but the performance was not a disgrace.

Because people keep saying get rid we could do betterā€¦ā€¦and you come up with a list of ex managers :man_shrugging: would you take them back? Would they come back?

Maybe they are and that is why theyā€™re of a different opinion to some fans who donā€™t have professional knowledge and arenā€™t in full time football?

Byfield and Waddock were welcomed universally as good appointments by mostā€¦ā€¦some have had it in for Sadler from day 1 and no matter how he goes about things and no matter what he produces heā€™s only ever one loss away from a group of people claiming their footballing intelligence and foresight was proved right all along.

Frankly (and not aimed at you or anyone in particular)that mentality is pathetic. Itā€™s literally pathetic.

You know as well as I do that a week to week appraisal of someoneā€™s ability in football is ludicrous. For managers and coaches as well as players. Progress and improvements take time. Results right now aside I still see progressā€¦even from a month ago.

Of course ultimately results are the driver to concluding any appraisal but until then we have to (well anyone of any sense) try to avoid trying to pin any single result or mistake on the manager as a stick to beat him with just to be able to say ā€œI told you he was crapā€ to mates down the pub like theyā€™re some kind of football guru of greater knowledge than anyone who supported him.

Btw the reaction to Sadler clapping and thanking the fans today was an embarrassment to those involved and completely over the top.

Notice he wasnā€™t asked the standard interview final question we get every weekā€¦ā€¦ā€and finally a crowd of xxxx today what have you got to say to those supporters?ā€ bullsh!t nonsense question.

If I were him Iā€™d have told them to stick it where the sun doesnā€™t shine!!



John Eustace was at game today Iā€™d tek him any time


Me tooā€¦dream on.


A really good post. It is clear that there is a section of our fans who didnā€™t want Sadler and want him to fail. I was surprised he was appointed but I donā€™t want him to fall and and I donā€™t think he will. The players clearly like playing for him and the necessary effort is there. The injury situation just gets worst and 3 of our best attacking players are injured together with a fourth so we have reached the bare bones of our squad in that area whilst at the back we are short of 2 centre half, one of whom was likely to be a regular in defence.
I will judge Sadler when those players are fit and able to play regularly for the team. That looks like January at the earliest.


The result was terrible. The performance was ok, but with 2 CDMs and a CH playing in our midfield no wonder we dominated possession. The best way of describing the team selection was that it was a safe one with no real ambition to win the game. It was a more ā€œletā€™s not lose itā€. Well that bit fell apart at the end, didnt it.

The effort was there, but a part from Stirk and Gordon, we showed very little class or real ability for me. Make no excuses, Harrogate were very, very poor today. Clearly came for a point and ended up with all 3.

Playing Comley, Stirk and Osin together is in excusable. No real support for.Hutch, and whilst DJT was.poor, in fairness to him.he never really had a chance. And when he did, he was brushed off the ball far too easily.

Starting DJT over DJ is baffling. We must now have the most expensive substitute we have had in years constantantly sat on the bench. Its not good for the Club, the side or the player. I get that Draper has without doubtb done better than anyone ever thought, but now he is out, to choose DJT as a first pick is madness. Neither he or DJ can play as the lone striker, so to do that today is just stupidity.

As for the goal, that was attricoous defending and just as bad goalkeeping. How many more times are we going to switch off at the end of a match. That is where Sadler and the rest of the coaches are completely at fault. Sadler has said he has had the last word in these signings this season so he has to take responsibility for that.

The criticism directed towards Sadler at the emd of the game is completely understandable and justified given some of his strange team selections and in-game play. More worring is how he says he sees some of the games during his post match interviews. I get protecting the players but it doesnt help the fans view of him and just adds to more criticism.

More worrying for me was some of the fans comments towards Daniels at the end of the game.and his response to tell them.to Fā€™ off. This is mot good for anyone, and especially aiming any criticism at players like DD.


Well that says more about some of our fans than DD who is a fine man.By the way what team would you have picked today bearing in mind all our injuries?


Having called RAM back i would have probably stated with him instead of Comley. It was Harrogate we were playing today, not Stockport or Wrexham.


Iā€™d think all of us wanted him to succeed, hopefully, but evaluated the likelihood of this as being very low.


Very risky and Comley was excellent today and although I doubted the team when selected I thought we played well. We dominated for long spells and were very unlucky with some shots although some were wide of the mark.

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I donā€™t agree that everyone wants him to succeed.You only have to read the threads especially when we lose!


20 shots but how many times did we work the goalkeeper? How many times did we cut them open?

We hit the post twice from two of our numerous pot shots but thatā€™s it - against a team that showed absolutely nothing.

Sadler could have played two up front. He could have put Hutch central. He could have played RAM. He could have played Griffiths. So many things he could have done. Instead he went with negative cowardice and he is paying for not going for it. Playing for a draw.


This was our touch map. We ā€œdominatedā€ with the ball with our full backs and centre halves, and the only way weā€™d get forward was through giving it to Hutch and letting him drift/do it all.

Look at that gaping chasm in that midfield.


I honestly wouldnā€™t agree with this. If it was a Steve Evans, yes, but someone like Sadler?

We also had one kicked off the line and numerous shots blocked. We will just have to disagree but I donā€™t think we deserved to lose.