Media Team

Can’t record a press conference, cant fix a toilet, can’t warm up a sausage roll, can’t assemble a squad, can’t get a scoreboard that works….

Well run club.


Liam Roberts in the background :joy:


Guess this is Moles cock up, add it to the list and move on.

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Don’t worry, apparently the powers that be at the club will take appropriate steps to rectify so we should leave it to them…. :roll_eyes:

It’s not like these are all recurring issues that have been going on for months and in some cases years…… oh hang on! :man_facepalming:


Agree, it’s down to experience and leadership. It’s commendable to try a live stream, but at 2 o’clock on a weekday afternoon you have to consider the limited audience and the known risks associated with the standard of equipment being used.

Perhaps the better approach would be to do a really good job on the live reporting across social media, get a word-for-word report on the website in time for fans leaving work, then edit the filmed content into highlights to be realised in the lead up to the match on Saturday.


Doesnt quite top them using a child molester in a marketing photo a few weeks ago :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Why do they keep needing to be told by fans? they should know better.

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Every time I look at pictures of Flynn I just think “god help you”.

Make it stop please :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Flynn needs to see this is a sign of things to come and a symptom of what is wrong at the club.

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Sick and tired of people making excuses for rank, bad operational errors.

The period for excuses expired about 10 years ago considering the length of time these people have been in-post

When it comes to basic care and attention there NEVER is any


It’s now been taken down.

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A mate of mine messaged me when Flynn was announced to see what I thought. His response was “Everyone has gone so giddy. The club is still a clusterfuck”. Didn’t take long to be proven right did it? :rofl:


Give him a break, he’s hardworking don’t you know.


Welcome to todays press conference. Thanks for tuning in.

Please note you won’t be able to hear any audio and our manager will then proudly be photographed infront of a player that left last season.

Exemplary. Well, at least a sex offender wasnt involved - thank heavens for small mercies :joy:


You know their track record on taking appropriate steps don’t you.

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Taken by an experienced E&S photographer. The lad on Insta Owendesigns images are great!! If interested get s look quick because they are on his stories.

Couldn’t they use the same kit they use for the recorded content? Or does that use Standard 8 and they haven’t got a coax to USB converter cable?

I think it’s such a shame. I credit Pomlett and Fullarton for hiring Flynn but then the club let’s itself down by this shambles.

Pomlett needs to be much more ruthless in clearing out the deadwood at the club if he’s to survive. At the moment he’s whipping boy for all the other incompetents.


Please Pomlett, take Mole, Gamble and the Media team and f%%k off, your embarrassing yourselves weekly, just GO.