New design pin badges

Agree with that. V v nice person. So no harm would have been intended

Yeah olly’s straight as a dye. Absolutely loves walsall and the community he lives in keep up the good work dh


Nowt wrong with the badge if folk purchase

Request a few walsall/celtic ones and you’d received id imagine

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Started going to Fellows Park as an 8 year old in '85, so my first hero was naturally David Kelly, absolutely idolised him - to the point that I supported Ireland in Euro 88 and the 90 and 94 world cups!

Been to plenty of England games home and away since - I’ve always ridiculed people who support two league teams, so I don’t get the Rangers thing at all - but I guess supporting two nations is even weirder :smiley: Though it emanates from supporting the Saddlers so I can justify it :wink:

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Agree Olly is a top bloke see a lot of saddlers fans i know that follow Rangers tbh each to there own what’s the big issue with it? And i think you’ll find ISSA have members of all backgrounds and ages far from an organisation full of Dinosaurs stupid comment.


I’m 48, not sure if I qualify as a dinosaur :rofl:

I thought it was aimed at Dhforever, it’s not right though. Top bloke, done loads to help me and my kids.

As for the Rangers thing, it’s not made up. My Dad was a Catholic, went to a Catholic school, had a 3 hour catholic funeral. He was Rangers, took me a few times. There is obviously no official link between the clubs but there is a lot who follow Rangers even if from a distance. Saying that, the club shop at Fellows Park sold Walsall/Rangers pin badges, cos I had one, and I am fairly sure they did a Walsall/Rangers ski hat.

I don’t care for Rangers myself really, mickey mouse football if you ask me, but regardless people are free to support who they want. The badges sell so there must be a few about.

There will always be digs at ISSA, easy to pick faults rather than see the good it does, or the hard work people put in.


ISSA is a great organisation and from my experience, run and supported by lovely people. As someone with Southern Irish heritage that grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, this stuff saddens me tbh.
Not something that I would buy for obvious reasons


Dont doubt that at all. Was a star during the pandemic when the club did sweet FA. So its not about Olly at all.

It just perpetuates a particular narrative is all.

There is no doubt ISSA does good work. But this sort of tat is just a throw back to the football hooliganism of 70’s and 80’s. Its a turn off and divisive.

Can I ask DH and Blazing Saddler if the decision to peddle this stuff goes through the ISSA Committee?

Surely one must ask “Is this wise Mr.Chairman?”


In answer to your question Yes all merchandise is approved by each and every committee member

This particular badge was approved after being constantly asked for. by supporters

I’d also add
given the large numbers the badge have sold in. Since it was released at 5 pm today

It’s now gone into very limited stock and a re order. Will be placed Proving what blazing. Says. About. The demand being high.

We won’t produce anything. We thought would not sell. And not wanting To urinate on anybody’s strawberries But it’s proved another High demand piece of merchandise. Of which the upside is. We will yet again Be able to help Many less fortunate than ourselves within the community via. Any profits made


My first Allegro was an OJ reg (Brum). It was one of those with a 'Quartic steering wheel! Actually it was a decent car so I had another (RE reg - Staffordshire). I did 108,000 miles in that one.


Have a guess why the club dont sell them anymore. :thinking:

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To be fair, sales don’t justify anything - whether I agree with it or not.

If I produced a load of guns and sold them to criminals, the demand doesn’t absolve me of the fact that it’s morally probably not the best move.

What about drug dealers who sell drugs to kids? They have plenty of demand.

It’s a nonsense argument.

I know you’re a popular member of the board/fan and I know you have permission to sell things on here, but a sectarian badge being sold is a joke.

If it’s a Walsall/rangers thing then why is there a red hand on there?


Good post that.

I’m not offended by the badge. I’m more offended by the fact that despite literally badging themselves as “loyalist” I probably couldn’t have a decent debate about the existence and legitimacy of the six country state in the North of Ireland, with most who wear it.

It’s a fascinating subject and I love to bore people with it and my own experiences. By all means take the unionist position but do it having understood what that means, including an understanding of the nationalist position.

Self declaring one’s loyalism shouldn’t be based upon the fact a badge has a union flag and England crest and therefore must be “our” side.

The Orange Lodge had one of their big weekends in Liverpool this weekend. Liverpool, unlike any other English city has a large Orange presence who make themselves known throughout the year. The local bands march regularly. Then The 12th is huge up here. And yet I see people on Facebook who have ordered the “badge” regularly doing the “bastard scousers” thing. One or two on here too. How on earth can you do the whole “we are the people” schtick and then regularly stigmatise the only English city where your “people” make themselves known and heard?

Bigoted ignorance is the only answer.

If anyone is coming up to celebrate their brethren’s heritage on the 12th - head straight for Southport for around 11am. Tens of thousands of like minded folk will be there. The agenda for the day tends to be:

  • sober at 11 singing Penny Arcade and the Sash
  • 2pm few pints in and Rome and the Pope had better watch out - a second reformation is starting in the pubs of Southport
  • 4pm and everyone’s pissed and the shackles are off. Not even pretending any more. “Up to our knees in Fenian Blood” sang in a very drunken Scots, Ulster, Scouse cross-breed accent.
    Next day the Liverpool Orange Lodge thanks the tens of thousands of families who created a great atmosphere across Liverpool and Southport and that the dozen or so arrests should be put in context of the numbers of people in attendance. See you next year.

Red hand of Ulster and Rangers ???
The name of no other club, whoever they are, should be on Walsall FC stuff.



Where’s the Staffordshire Knot?

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Massive thank you again to everyone who has bought the badge. In large numbers including many of this. board

it has. now got to go. into a re-order Due to only limited quantities remaining in stock

Apologies to anyone it has upset as that was not the intention at all

. And to those. Who have purchased. I look forward to seeing. It. On display. Up and down the country. Again next season

To all those contacting. Us. Asking if we can get it done as a t shirt design. And. Also On flags. We’re looking into. Prices

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Nice to see you’ve taken all customer feedback onboard :joy:

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You can’t please everybody mate it’s impossible

Feedback is good to have but as said we will never please everyone.


After all that’s been said I still think this rangers link is nonsense. Utter garbage