New Macron kit

I for one am delighted.

When our former owner gave us the option of Rotherham, Luton or Bournemouth as somebody who likes the coast I lent towards Bournemouth.

Unfortunately it’s just too far to travel so I never really had the chance to begin following The Cherries.

This new kit is most of my dreams come true. If we could install Harry Redknapp as manager and have Steve fletcher playing up front for 50 years then it would feel that in spirit I’d followed Jeff’s advice.


Isn’t it past your bedtime?

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No im up for playtime

You wanna see the away kit?

Already seen it

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@WestieJack @CompletelySaddled Give it a rest.


If they are the real kits, they are awful. Black doesn’t belong on our kits. Vile, vile, vile both of them. Don’t bother with women’s sizes as I don’t want one.


Our Heroes, our colours…

erm, our players not our colours.


Not sure what our traditional colours are any more !!!

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It seems the kit consensus, like most other club decisions, is negative. The price will probably be extortionate too. There is only one way to express your frustration. Don’t buy it!!!

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Third kit?


Is it me or does the home kit look more of a salmon pink than red?

It’s you :joy:


Red and white. Is our identity. Those if real mate are shocking

As you know I collect. The shirts. But I can honestly say. Those will go. straight into hiding. And will. only purchase yo keep my collection ip date

I like the fact the home kit will have white shorts and socks and the away has red shorts and socks….

Fair enough. Just looks a different shade of red to the red stripeon The away shirt.

Red and white.

Anything else whether it’s green or black should be a 3rd colour used minimally for trim or accents.

I suspect the home shorts will be red with a black stripe down the sides too. :face_vomiting:


What we thinking black shorts and socks ?

I hope these kits aren’t the actual ones. I’m disappointed


I always prefer it that way too.

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