Next Walsall Manager Thread (Again)

I cracked this past 12 months mate. I’m normally quite optimistic in pre season but not any more.

It’s up to the club to put it right - I hold zero hope, unless there’s major recruitment and personnel changes.


I think that’s the stage I was at post relegation and why some think I’m just a negative troll. When Pomlett came in I was already at the “show don’t tell” stage because as far as I was concerned he was one of the people part of the regime responsible for the shite we found ourselves in anyway. And last season it was made abundantly clear he still had major influence within the club, paired with a complete wild card in Boycott.

I pay (an increased) price to watch this club every other Saturday and spend a fair amount of fuel and travel money to watch this club 5/6 times a season away. At some point you feel like you’re being ripped off for your outlay. Especially when the seasons dead by February save a relegation battle.

They’ve burnt their goodwill. Again. Just like they did after Northampton 4 years ago.


Fortunately, I have notifications blocked on WFHYS, so I don’t get to see what is said on there unless I go and look, which I don’t.

But yeah other Walsall pages and sites on Facebook, including anything the official site put’s out pretty much end up going down that route with fans calling out fans as part of the problem and all kinds of other nonsense I don’t agree with at all.

I saw the other day it happening on the Trusts Facebook page where one of the committee was doing a similar thing, a bit like “my opinion is superior to yours.” And before anyone says, I don’t have any agenda against the Trust at all I never have. I just don’t understand that way of thinking.

I’ve called it out and been told not to take it personally, well… many generations of my family have been Walsall “fans” and about 95% of my friends are. I don’t know why it triggers me so much but it does.


Anyone trying to tell other people off for lambasting the post Pomlett era absolutely stupid and really is so unintelligent. It’s been an absolute disaster. Trivela. Not quite a disaster yet… But signs are pretty bad for it going tits up in my view

It wouldn’t surprise me if you’re the most muted poster on UTS, the amount of absolute tat you come out with. Absolute Bonser lickspittle troll. No, I don’t need to justify what I said. You never have,


If everyone ignored him, he would go away.


Since I muted him the site has become easier to read.

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nowhere near as ridiculous as Billy Bescot

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Without wishing to stirrup any controversy, based on his ball control Hayden White may have similar feet to young Sandy.

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I don’t think it has been a disaster at all. A lot of what Pomlett has done is quite rational. The appointment of Clarke, Taylor and Flynn all seemed, logical, sensible appointments at the time, and most of us agreed with them. And getting the freehold sorted - just like he said he would. So, what could he have done differently?


Finishes of 19th 16th and 16th in the last 3 years acceptable?. To some yes. To me no

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Pomlett also managed the club through Covid so has to take some credit that we still have a club to talk about


I actually don’t mind your posts, you make some valid points at times and everyone is entitled to an opinion.

You don’t need really need to stoop that low though. ISSA accepted that apology and as for the medical explanation, as a parent who has a child affected by the same thing, the more awareness and willingness to talk about it the better as far as I am concerned.


[quote=“Saddlertd, post:5559, topic:9629”]
So, what could he have done differently?
[/quote] probably have bought a better director of football in than Fullerton. but a least he tried to get someone in with a greater knowledge on to the board . To oversee the football side .if that appointment had worked out who knows we’re we might be now .I think if Trivela thing works out .a lot of people will maybe have a different view on him in years to come . i.e (Barry Blower )

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I also think that he makes some decent points @Blazing_Saddler
But too deride someone for being open about their medical or mental health problem is quite frankly very poor judgment


I’m big enough to take criticism and absolutely support 100pct anyone with Mental Health issues but his rant to me is beyond being abusive. It’s pure hatred, presumably becomes he is a ‘Bonser hater’

Interestingly that vile rant remains. Removing posts he dosnt agree or self editing is something I’ve seen quite often from this moderator.

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He isn’t a moderator any more, he took himself off because of his problems


And to get back on topic, he also took himself out of the frame to become the new Walsall manager :wink: