It depends on what the released and retained list looks like though. If for whatever reason (and I don’t think he will) Sadler offers the majority new deals then I’d be much less optimistic
I could half understand the appointment if we were on the back of a decent season and were looking at pushing on again, but given that we were the 16th again, it’s more likely we’ll be struggling again than pushing top half. The risk of going down vs that of not going up is far greater for me and I think a more experienced manager at this level would have far more of a chance of keeping us up as a minimum
I’ll back Sadler but it’s a massive risk given where we are and what we’re coming off the back of. I really hope that I’m proven wrong but it’s a huge worry
Welly, welly, well, to what do I owe the extreme pleasure of this surprising appointment. It can be extremely tough, but I hope with proper support, Mat Sadler will be a successful gaffer. And it was prophetic, in one of the last games commentators said Sadler for Saddlers. I wish for a lot of good footballing decisions, because that’s the most important thing to not experience sad moment.
E: 600 posts to this moment, another 600 till the night …
Sadler was a better option than Philips or Deeney.
Sadler has more relevant knowledge than Collins.
Artell has baggage.
Alexander won only 3 of his last 17 games at Motherwell and left when they lost in Europe against Sligo.
Which leaves the Cowley brothers.
I know there are other candidates and I’m concerned. A lot will depend upon his coaching team and his signings.
It will be interesting to see the retained list and who Sadler can attract as players.
The thing I would remember is that in those games Sadler was playing with Flynn`s players and let’s face it I don’t think Pep would have got this lot scoring many. I know from experience, you can be number 2 or 3 and not agree with how number 1 is doing things and know you would do things totally differently but you are tarred with the same brush as you are part of that team but are powerless to change it. Let’s hope Mat has a good tramsfer window
I think they have made a statement of intent and Real Estate delvelopment and profits for the investors is the aim and bo***cks to the minor irration of the team and hopes of the supporters
All whilst those in favour whacking all their capital on a win, draw and defeat compared against one of the lowest bars in recent history and the fact Sadler can string a sentence together in an interview
Christ. I didn’t want to believe it because it’s a disastrous appointment. A continuation of the downward spiral this club has been on.
Boycott wanted a change of direction, then appoints from within.
Enough of the typical American hyperbole that you spouted in that letter, the proof is in this appointment.
No wonder he gets along with our farce of a board so well, he’s about as much use as them.
It’s now more clear than ever to see that Trivela will change anything to bring in cash for their investors to see a return but are not prepared to improve the football side of this club.
Ticket prices up, drink prices up, food prices up, change when necessary to bring in the money they want, yet when it comes to the footballing decisions they’ll piss about for a month and go for someone who’s already here and not even sort his assistant out! I guess it’s easy to have no shame when you can just board a flight and leave the mess behind.
Should have known really, Americans don’t really get English football right, but I’m sure the appeasers will try to tell me how Trivela will be one of the only American groups to get it right at an English club.
I couldn’t be happier that I’ll only be watching from afar this season.
One of many similar quotes. Have you seen the retained list? Have you seen the assistant? Have you seen the recruits? Have you seen the results for next season?
It would be good if people could distinguish between “I am sceptical of the appointment” and “it is a disaster”.
The one good thing is that Sadler may wish to prove people wriong.