Next Walsall Manager Thread (Again)

None of whom had been a manager before., either. Coakley was unpopular because he replaced Buckley, another success (at 2 clubs) who had not managed before.

Fans will just see it as the cheap option and will do nothing whatsoever to inspire people. Not a name to attract players either.

Sadler who???

I’m convinced it will be Sadler, with some ‘half arsed’ attempt at a structure change.

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Only if people are fickle enough to see it that way. I’m hoping it is Sadler. I like what I hear and see and believe that with time he’d make a big impact on a pretty shite division.

With nearly 600 professional first team appearances from premier league to league 2 I’m not sure too many people will be saying “Sadler who?”

If I was a player I’d see his CV and his pro licence and decide within about 10 mins of listening to him that he has the intelligence and skills required to be a success.

Id go as far to say if he doesn’t get it, within 3 years we’ll see him managing higher up than wherever Walsall are at the time and wishing we’d taken the punt.


Agree with this, especially if they can get ROK in as well.
The two games so far while not being anything special there was at least some tactical nous on display, something sadly lacking previously.
It’s was always going to be a struggle with a squad bereft of any confidence.


Maybe so but what do the supporters really expect ?
We have tried the young , the old , the experienced and the inexperienced and still in this league
Who is classed as a “ name “ , the person to attract the players to get us up

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we haven’t tried something borrowed and something blue :slightly_smiling_face:


We did. Their application forms.


I am not advocating Sadler. Simply pointing out that he and O’Kelly would not be cheap options especially if a DoF was appointed. CS makes a good case for Sadler and with the right support he could do the job but after the last few appointments I think we have to leave to Boycott and Co to get on with job. I have no favourite candidate.I will support whoever is appointed.

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Buckley had been a blue and knowing Wheldon he might well have been borrowed :wink:

Yep they were all crap, including the one that got his previous and subsequent teams promoted from this league :rofl::joy: maybe……just maybe there is a constant at WS 1 from which the stench of failure, acceptance of mediocrity which is exemplified by self congratulation at the very occasional completion of the most rudimentary task, which One manager in a generation has managed to waft away after several years of trying as the football club occupied an unerring downward trajectory either side of his tenure, which is now around 15 years into its existence and showing no sign of abating according to any measure.

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If we are going for the full set, after the good and the bad, what’s Ian Dowie up to these days?


Hey you guys behave :wink:

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Staring in the hills have eyes 5 :joy:

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There are 92 teams in the footbll league and only 19 managers have been at the same club for more than 2 years and around 60 have been at the same club for less than 1 year.

My point is that it makes no difference who the manager is because most of them fail anyway. Its a merry go round and most boards make the same mistake over and over again. In addition most fans think if they get a certain manager there is a good chance of success and when they inevitably fail to acheive what the fans think they should, everybody turns on them big time.

My opinion is and I stand to be corrected, the ones who have been there for more than two years are mostly successful but we never give them a chance.

I also think that the fans want see see exciting attacking football and not defensive hoofball win or lose. I know 1-0 wins get you up the league if it works but is it as exciting as a 3-3 draw. Playing defensive hoofball against an attacking side sometimes works but the ball keeps coming back and the defense then have to be lucky all the time and the strikers only have to be lucky sometimes.


Its not the fact that because they’ve been at the same club for more than 2 years they are successful.

Its the other way round

The reason they’ve been at the club so long is because they’ve been successful and they haven’t been sacked.

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Let’s face it. Flynn just had to find a couple more wins in half a season and he would still be here.

Despite the horrible style of football the fans hadn’t completely turned on him the way they have with other managers. There was quite a lot that was upset when he was sacked.

It’s okay saying give managers time. Clarke walked. Taylor, (Dutton if you count him) and Flynn all had ridiculous bad runs of form that just couldn’t be ignored. What choice do you have but to sack them, and hopefully try and figure out some of the reasons all these managers are failing so badly?


You can look at it in any way you like tinned but there are 19 out of 92. I did not bother to work out if any of the 19 have had a run of games without a win and still kept the job but my point is that most managers appear to fail.

Personally, I think its an interesting point when we are looking to recruit a new manager so I will maybe keep my thoughts on players to myself for now.

A top ten finish would be an achievement for anyone at Walsall Football club. In fact it would be remarkable. In that, we haven’t achieved it once in seven seasons (& only 3 in 16)! Not a playoff place, not promotion, just a top ten finish & despite dropping a division we still don’t achieve it.

I keep rolling this stat out, because this abject failure is down not to the dugout but the boardroom. The same boardroom, who has no intention to change in any way.

League one my a*se! Don’t lump on.


Said previously…staying up is quickly becoming the goal.