Next Walsall Manager Thread (Again)

I’m happy enough for Sadler to be given the opportunity IF he has ROK alongside him.


There is no way Gamble and Mole will be sacked in my view but the Board certainly needs strengthening from its current number of Directors. The Associate Board or whatever it is called can then be dispensed with.


I think we will be shocked at some of the decisions Trivela will carry out to be honest
At the end of the day, if the questions posed on social media by NoFo are anything to go by, then it says to me that they are more interested in what the consensus of the fan base are saying rather that sticking with a system and hierachy that has proven itself to have failed for the last so many years


I’m starting to think that we’re looking at Sadler as manager, with ROK as assistant and a DofF overseeing all footballing matters. I know Fullerton was a disaster, but there are plenty of better alternatives, and should we secure a well respected individual who fans can relate to, it might just work out. Pomlett has admitted he has no football knowledge other than being a saddlers’ fan of many years, so he (and Trivela) could then spend all their time improving the club’s infrastructure and off the field activities. Appointing a big name manager might sound good, but how long would they stick around. At the first opportunity, they’d move on and we’d be back to square one!


“We have moved away from appointing experienced managers who have spent years on the managerial merry-go-round and who come (and go) with their own supporting staff because, each time one departs, the club they leave effectively has to start rebuilding its support staff and systems from scratch,” chairman Mark Palios added.

“A successful team needs a good manager, but it is equally important to get the recruitment and development right, so it is our intention to bring in an experienced Technical Director who will work alongside Ian Dawes and ensure that our recruitment and development systems are the best they can be, and that we get the balance right between the medium term aim of developing players, and the short term imperative of winning games, which is what we all want.”

From the Tranmere piece. I’m 100% in agreement with this type of approach and hope that we do something similar.


Certainly a more modern day approach

That is what I would do too…

You will need to explain the potential benefits of such a radical suggestion to the non-Trivela part of the Board


Same only way i would want Sadler is if Okelly is part of the deal if so its a yes from me.


Spot on Rob could not have put it better myself .fans need to get real

You’re part of the reason we’re constantly shit and getting worse. Happy to put up with whatever we’re served up.



It would be a similar scenario if we appoint Sadler. Massive let down. And in any case how does he deserve the job. A rumor told me he spends most of his time at wfc on the phone trying to secure property deals

We need someone focused and committed

Would be a joke if he got the job

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Even though what we’ve been served up with regards to recent managers has been almost universally approved on here

Why are you even still on here ,? You are the worst troll ever ,nobody cares about what you post you have managed to turn yourself into a figure ridicule .


When I say fans need to get real I’m referring to another quick manger appointment by same people who have been a disaster footballing wise for this club .Trivia absolutely have to get rid of present board put a DOF and new board to deliver success on the footballing side .in the mean time saddler and ROK to stay in place till that’s done.Robs post is spot on .buy Pomletts shares early thank him for what he achieved .ie delivered us from the clutches of Bonser.bought in new owners and reunited the Club with the ground .no a bad achievement.unfortunately a disaster on the football front .

withe the ground

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There is absolutely no way we should be employing anyone in such a major, key role who also has outside personal buisiness interests and commitments. Whoever we engage should be 100% focused on the job at hand. It is going to be difficult enough task as it is.


Wasn’t Flynn a director of an estate agency?

People may be against giving it Sadler because of the Dutton situation we’ve all witnessed but Sadler isn’t Dutton so I’m not adverse to him being given a go on that score but I’d personally want a bigger name to oversee yet another rebuild.


Not Sadler or KP

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