Prediction League 2: 2023-24 - Intro & Table

I think I got four points, two for Crawley game, one for Salford and Bradford. Or something changed with scoring system.

Yes, you did - you all got 4 points! I have no idea why I put 3 down!!:man_facepalming::joy:


I think Johnny meant 4 points not 3 as the winning score. If you look at the previous table, all of you have 4 more points than on the last one


Joint top with a bunch of stars/matches still to be played! :heart_eyes:

Updated table after todays games and super low scoring, mainly because Rockport didn’t win at home and Hollywood FC have lost the ability to get anything away from home these days. So, the winning score was just 2 points, achieved by 13 predictors! So, well done to (take a deep breath!): Gavin77, jonathan, Featherstonered, RedandWhite, deldras, Rugbysaddler, stig231, Shrewsbury-Saddler, simon, matt_saddlesore, JoaquinErnesto, DonningtonSaddler and RobHarv3y!

Although there are 6 games on Tues evening, one of them is a p-p game (FGR v Wrexham) so it doesn’t count as a game week. Next Saturday’s games will be up shortly.


Updated table after the games this afternoon. The weather and postponements put paid to a few games which affected the scoring maybe, but the winning score was 3 points, achieved by 8 predictors: chunkster, Pingu, BornASaddler, Rugbysaddler, Andy_Petterson, OldPenkSaddler, Exile and Burton-Saddler - well done to you all!!

There was a p-p game in the week but no one scored anything from it, and the 3 p-p games today has led to a number of asterisks added on. There are 2 p-p games this coming Tuesday so any points will be added on next weekend. Next weekend’s thread will be up shortly.


Updated table after today’s games. Overall, very good scoring, with a lot of 3 and 4 pointers, which would win most weeks, but this week’s winning score was an impressive 5 points, achieved by DonningtonSaddler - well done on yet another weekly win, 8 already this season!

I have also added any points scored from the two p-p games that took place on Tuesday evening.

There are games on Tuesday and Thursday evening so don’t miss out on predicting these - the thread is already up and running.

Also, looking ahead to next weekend, there will be a League 2 set of games to predict but also the FA Cup QFs for those 8 people in the hunt for that title, so make sure you look out for that thread too!


Updated table after the games on Tuesday and last night.
Not great scoring, with a few odd results. The winning score was 3 points, achieved by ManchesterSaddler and Bluejay - well done to you two!

There was one p-p game which has added an asterisk for a few people.

The thread for this weekend, with games over 3 days, is already up and running so make sure predictions are in before the kick off times of the games you want.
There is a also a p-p game on Tuesday, which will be accounted for in next weekend’s update.

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Just think where I might be if I hadn’t forgotten to predict - twice!!


It’s all ifs, buts and maybes!:wink:



Updated table after the long weekend games. Thanks to a very unexpected set of results, scoring was really low and most people were a big, fat zero! Thankfully a few people did score some points and the winning score was 2 points, achieved by addo, OldPenkSaddler, Bluejay, Harlequin and Exile - well done to you all!

I also included any points scored from the Bradford v Notts County p-p game last night which was…zero!

The thread for this weekend’s games is now up and running so get them in before the kick off times.

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Here’s the updated table after today’s games. A mixed bag of scoring but the winning score was a very decent 4 points, achieved by deldras and Andy_Petterson - well done to both of you!

We head to the Easter weekend games next, and the Good Friday ones are now up for prediction. I’ll add the Easter Monday ones on during this coming week.

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Update after today’s games. Not the best of weeks for scoring and only a few people scored more than 2 points. The winning score was 4 points, achieved by addo - well done!

The thread for Easter Monday and Tuesday is already up and running, note the kick off times.

Not that it’s going to make much difference, but I did get the Accrington/Morecambe result correct

It was 1-2. You said 1-1.


D’OH!!! - I should have points deducted!

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Can u check for me how many games I have missed I think it’s about 2

You have missed 4 game weeks - 10, 13, 16 and 33.

I’d have told him to check the match threads himself! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: