Richard O’Kelly appointed

We play very differently now to when ROK was here with Smith. I find that a bit incongruous, although I welcome his appointment.

I think this is another step in the right direction by the club. The role seems to work for everybody, not least Richard himself.

In principle I don’t like that. I think it can be used both to absolve blame when things go to shit, or to not give the requisite credit when things go well, depending on whatever narrative the club/fans want to create, according to what suits them at the time. However, it is the way of the world these days, and if we are going to appoint one I’d rather it be somebody who has a good relationship with the fans before he even starts, and that has proven to have very good knowledge and, just generally, seems a nice likeable bloke.

Quite the distance away from the last attempt at this.


Where’s Sean O’driscoll these days…be careful :rofl::rofl:

Great appointment that is by Trivela…proper experience used to make sound footballing decisions :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Top bloke is O’Kelly. Top player for us and the brains behind Dean Smith’s success at Walsall/Brentford/Villa. A proper football man on the board :clap:



On 14 December 2021, O’Driscoll joined the backroom team at National League side Weymouth on a non-contract basis.

Copy and paste jobbie, how current, goodness knows…

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Definite tongue in cheek comment from myself :rofl:. Can’t see rich going there :rofl:

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Not so sure about him being the brains, given that Deano has made a few million from that period and is now living a very nice life in the States, while Rich is back down the Bezla :wink:

A magnificent appointment and further proof that Trivela are building the club up for a successful future.


Much better quality of life at the bezla !! :smile:

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He was always one of my favourite players - key element in the Milk Cup run and generally a good bloke to have around, both for his knowledge and for his spirit. And he loves the Club.

Welcome back (again!) Richard.

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Didn’t that coincide with our downturn in form? Bloody outside influencers!

Id say the upturn in form may have coincided with having him around the place, O’Kelly knows his stuff and this can only be beneficial to us, welcome back AGAIN Richard.

He rolled the ball along the line (Anfield) My Dad was a big fan of O’Kelly when I first started going to games.

I sat next to him in the seats at a reserve game when I was a kid, and he gave me a cheese and pickle sandwich, I didn’t like pickle but I eat it anyway, I think it is still my claim to fame in life.


I was thinking of it from the other view point, O’Driscoll sneaking back into The Poundland when no one was looking lol

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“Phil Neal didn’t know what had hit him. Actually, it was the ball” The late Motty.

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Yeah that’s the one. I had a tape with that on, which I watched that often I wore it out.

Fantastic appointment :clap:t2:

Sorry this appointment is dodgy as hell. First we get taken over by some random US owners who are mainly interested in property speculation. Our coach has a side hustle in property development and it’s well known that O’Kelly’s favourite TV programme is Homes under the Hammer.

Join the dots, it paints a sinister picture. :expressionless: