Richard O’Kelly appointed

ROK not been around last few weeks (golfing holiday ) might explain it .


Explain what?

Best appointment the club have made to the back room staff since dean smith
Great job all around and the key if not the main reason for the good things this season!
Glad to have him around


very pleased to have ROK onboard. He brings a wealth of experience has worked with Smith at WFC, Villa and Brentford. Also worked at West Brom and with O’Driscoll at Bournmouth and Doncaster, (when they were very good). I remember him signing for us from Alvechurch. Always thought of him as a clever player who made the most of his abilities. Can still see him rolling the ball along the goal line at Anfield which resulted in our first goal. He has the personal authority to challenge others which is what healthy organisations need. I suspect that is why he has been brought in.


This is really good news. Knows the club very well in lots of capacities & will put football knowledge at centre of the board

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It’s a great appointment.



I wonder if the reason that Trivela have appointed O’Kelly is not so much because of what he will say to Sadler, who already has Waddock, Byfield and a technical analyst to advise him, and is I guess very unlikely to have asked for an Associate Director to be appointed, but because they want someone whom they can consult about football matters.

I suspect that Boycott will want to hear regularly O’Kelly’s assessment of how things are going as far as the football side of the club is concerned, and believe that he is the ideal person for that role, because of his vast experience and the respect he is held in by the current coaching team.


I suspect this announcement is to coincide with the reopening of the early birds as well for a week. Try and get some more


Well done BB and Trivela on this appointment. More evidence to show the improvements being made and one which wouldn’t have happened under the previous regime.


Just from nostalgia I think this is great. I’m an old timer and some of my greatest saddlers nights involved this fella. Thanks Trivela really good.


Said exactly this to my son earlier, still a damn good appointment though.

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Extend DJs contract

Whatever happened to Matt Jordan?

Isn’t he Trivelas director of football? Looking at all Trivela teams whereas ROK just focuses on Walsall?


Exactly this :clap:

Yes i agree with that. Whilst he is not an enemy of Sadler he may be their go to man on opinions on matters going forward.

Could also be a huge help for sadler in terms of he no longer has to explain a footballing matter to the board, he speaks with o’kelly, o’kelly then explains to the board, more time for sadler on training ground

A very good move by the Club. Pleased to see him back.

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Really pleased with the appointment and direction the club are heading. Be good to finally have a club to be proud of after years of stagnation. Trivela once again showing ambition and progression just like they promised… true to there word :clap: