The Mat Sadler Thread

Jeopardy far higher for experimentation in league 2 than in league 1 even if it didn’t feel like it at the time.

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If the club didnt come out with so much bullshit I for one would be much more forgiving. Corporate slogans like global footballing network and promises of structures and indepth processes :poop::poop:

We all know what went on with Sadlers appointment and the continuation of the chaos on the footballing side is now becoming clear (well, those that choose to see it, anyway)

It’s the continual spouting of absolute drivel that gets on my tits. The fans are well within their rights imo


Modern world though isn’t it Funky it’s full of hucksters ,flannelling and trying to blind you to their BS.
I’ve met plenty on the Festival circuit, all jargon and BS and no actual useful assets.
Sadly though we get bollox from the club and unfounded drivel from a lot on here as well.

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But we have been told that we are a good team and are very close to being a very good one!!

What a load of shite Sadler comes out with. If he really believes that he must be off his tits.


Yes, the worst thing about not winning is the reaction from some on UTS. And when we win, it is because the opposition are rubbish.


The worst thing about losing is what somebody else says on a messageboard? :joy: f*** me, you must have a had a bad 7 years!

Sorry I don’t know what went on with MS appointment, obviously unlike everyone else on here I wasn’t privvy to the behind closed doors interview process.
Please enlighten me with the facts

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Think of it this way: if a person you care about is continuously slagged off, how does that make you feel? Of course, being where we are in the League is rubbish, but some of us see ourselves as part of the club or, if you like, the club is a major part of our life. So, a poor result needs tea and sympathy, not vitriol.


If the “person I care about” constantly makes bad decisions and brings on any criticism they receive themselves not much.

What a load of horse shit. That’s the exact attitude that allows them to get away with being piss poor.

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Exactly this :clap:

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Hasn’t it just. Over to you Trivela!!! Step up now.

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In League One tho

You’d hope so. There are also parallels with Buckley’s 82/83 season. His reappointment was greeted with indifference, - seen as the cheap option-and we struggled until Xmas,before picking up. With both Smith and Buckley, though, you could see what they were trying to do. I’m not so sure you can so much with Sadler any more.


That sounds more like your vision than anything Sadler is trying to implement as far as I am concerned.

Who says what the right way is anyway? There are still plenty of good managers that don’t think building from the back is the right way (I tend to agree, especially at our level)

We don’t focus on possession, we rarely have the most possession, which isn’t that important to be a winning team but is a starting point if we are going to play how you say we are.

I’m not sure what your first sentence was about, unless I misunderstood it, Dean Smith was still here 10 years ago.

Basically, I don’t see what you are seeing. I’m not football expert, I have no background in football, my only experience is watching a lot of football in my life and forming my own opinions. So maybe I don’t get it, but I care about Walsall FC and see the danger signs.


Playing Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler. :thinking:

people can say what they want but would anyone be confident enough to bet the house on him still being here in January right now? said he will be gone by Christmas and i still think he will looking at our upcoming fixtures.

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Maybe, just maybe, the manager of the team currently 3rd in the table knows a bit more about football than the average walsall fan?


Ah so if one manager doesn’t rate a player - then clearly that player must not be good ever, for anyone.

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He certainly wasn’t good enough for Mansfield, so Nigel Clough didn’t pick him and eventually got rid of him. You think there’s nothing behind Cloughs actions?

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